Jazzitalia - Lessons
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Last update 8th April 2009

Tony De Caprio:
- Giant Steps: lesson 1
- Giant Steps: lesson 2
- Giant Steps: lesson 3
- Giant Steps: lesson 4
- Giant Steps: lesson 5
- Giant Steps: lesson 6
- Giant Steps: lesson 7
- Giant Steps: lesson 8
- Studies on II-V-I
- Rhythm Changes: lesson I
- Rhythm Changes: lesson II
- Countdownians
- Blue Street
- The New Yorker
- Chords' studies
- Advanced chords study I
- Advanced chords study II
- 7 blues studies in several key
- Video 1: II-V-I (maj. and min.)
- Video 2: II-V-I (maj. and min.) 2
- Video 3: Phrasing on II-V-I minor
- Video 4: The senso of storytelling
- Video 5: Improvv. on a Bb progression
- Video 6: Var. 2/5 on a blues turnaround
- Video 7: Improvv. on a Ebmaj7 progression
- Video 8: Improvv. on major 7/5b
- Video 9: Solo performance 1
- Video 10: Solo performance 2
- Video 11: Blues line
- Video 12: A new blues line
- Video 13: A Db blues
- Video 14: A study on Ebmaj7
- Autumn Leaves: improvvisation
- Confirmation: improvvisation
- Everything happens to me: improvvisation
- No more blues: improvvisation (video)
Garrison Fewell:
- Grant Green's Blues: Dog It
- Grant Green's Blues: Dog It (2)
- Melodic Triad Substitution
Steve Khan:
- Got My Mental
- Anelante
- Descarga Canelòn
- Tightrope
- Dr. Slump
- An eye over Autumn
- Uncle Roy
- Daily Village
- Charanga Sì Sì
- What I'm Said
- G. Harrison medley
- Blue Zone 41
- Daily Bulls
- Sierra Madre
- El Viñón
- El Tacaño new
Francesco Barberini:
- Introduction
- DAEGAB guitar tuning
- The notes on the fretboard
- Intervals and harmonic colors
Marco Vienna:
- Gipsy Jazz Style new

Enzo Orefice
Enzo Orefice:
- Harmonization in 5 parts

Alberto Marsico
Alberto Marsico:
- Shirley Scott
- Presets

Toni Moretti
Toni Moretti:
- Two exercises in order to begin...
- Slap exercises
- Slap exercises 2
- Chords
- Stretching
- A Nathan East didactic line
- Scale pentatoniche
- Walkin' bass
- Autumn Leaves a due voci
- I rivolti
- Donna Lee
- Esercizi per lo slap 3
- Il basso fretless
- II, V, I minore
- Riff for Bass
- Rhythmical Patterns
- Rhythmical Patterns II new

Laura Pigozzi
Laura Pigozzi:
- Voice is identity: take care of it
- The breathing system (1st)
- The breathing system (2nd)
- Headvoice-chestvoice, Falsetto and the passage
- Sound and Pregnancy
- Practical suggestions

Randy Hunter
Randy Hunter:
- Blues by the step - part 1
- Interpreting "The Funky Melon"
- Funk By The Step (funk improvisation)
- Just'n time (etudes duets)
- Time will tell new

Autori vari
Autori vari:
- Love for sale (C. Adderley)
- Corcovado (C. Adderley)
- Don't blame me (C. Parker)
- How deep is the ocean (J.J. Johnson)
- Laura (J.J. Johnson)
- Joy Spring (C. Brown)
- Joy Spring (H. Land)
- All the things you are (L. Konitz)
- 3 soli dal CD "Love Is The Thing" (S. Grossman)
- You Name It (T. Edwards)
- Chet Baker (C. Baker)
- Just the way you are (P. Woods)
- I Love You (J. Coltrane)
- St. Thomas (S. Rollins)
- I can't get started (D. Gillespie)
- Maiden Voyage (G. Coleman)
- Moritat (aka Mack the knife) (S. Rollins)
- Clockwise (Bob Berg)
- Freddieish (Jamey Aebersold)
- Fiesta Español (Bob Berg)
- First Song (For Ruth) (Stan Getz)
- The Creeping Terror (Scott Henderson)
- All the things you are (C. Parker)
- All the things you are (P. Desdmond)
- Giant Steps 1st chorus (Bob Mintzer)
- Voce Vai Ver (Rodrigo Ursaia)>
- Tears in Heaven (Joshua Redman)
- The Creeping Terror (Scott Henderson)
- Nina - fingerpicking (Ivan Granata)
- Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum (Freddie Hubbard)
- Half Nelson (Miles Davis)
- O Pato (Paquito D'Rivera)
- S crapple from the apple (C. Parker)
- Rua Alagoinhas 301 (J. Girotto)
- Bob's Blues (B. Mintzer)
- C-Jam Blues (M. Petrucciani)
- Body and Soul (J. Pass)
- Miles Davis Licks (M. Petrucciani)
- Last Train Home (P. Metheny)
- Four On Six (W. Montgomery)
- Home (M. Petrucciani)
- All the things you are (L. Niehaus)
- When se is mine (M. Brecker)
- Cool Joe, Mean Joe (H. Law)
- In your own sweet way (P. Woods)
- Our Spanish Love Song (C. Haden)
- New York State of Mind (R. Canatta) new

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Last Modified Date: 27/01/2012

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