Jazzitalia - Lezioni - Guitar: Gipsy Jazz Style
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Gipsy Jazz Style
by Marco Vienna

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Though the original Django Gypsy Jazz guitar-style has developed into many different sub-styles nowadays, from very traditional ones (Tchavolo, Stochelo, Basily, Fapy...) to ones that are contaminated by modern styles (Bireli, Robin, Mandino, Dorado...), the Gypsy Jazz improvisational approach is still strongly linked to traditional Jazz. Musicians who wish to play this style properly, should listen extensively to the great musicians of that period including Django first of all, and other masters of the same era such as Charlie Christian, Coleman Hawkins (Saint Joseph, Missouri, 21 nov 1904 – 19 mag 1969), Lester Young (Woodville, Mississippi, 27 agosto 1909 – New York, 15 Marzo 1959), Art Tatum (13 ott 1909 - 4 nov 1956), Louis Armstrong (New Orleans, 4 ago 1901 – 6 lug 1971), Benny Goodman (Benjamin David, Chicago, 30 mag 1909 - 20 giu 1986), Lionel Hampton (20 apr 1908 – 31 ago 2002) etc. in order to gain a suitable knowledge of the right sound, phrasing and typical melodic and rhythmic patterns.

Another very important aspect is getting the right guitar tone, which is produced first and foremost by a proper picking technique, and secondly by choosing a suitable guitar, strings, instrument set-up and pick.

To explain this style simply, I like to use the definition: "arpeggio embellishments". Quite often the melody develops "vertically", which means that it follows the notes of the major and minor arpeggios of each tonic major and minor chord, while on 7th dominant chords, in addition to their corresponding 7th dominant arpeggios, a classic Gypsy Jazz way to create tension is by playing on dimished and augmented arpeggios. Generally arpeggio notes ("vertical melody") are used much more that scale notes ("horizontal melody") to build the melody.

In my long experience as a guitarist and teacher, I've often seen and played with fine guitarists and musicians who, despite being real experts in "modern" approaches to jazz improvisation, were frequently in trouble when asked to play simple, effective and fluent melodic ideas based on straight major, minor and 7th dominant arpeggios. The great 30s and 40s masters had a more practical approach, after all, they didn't have access to Berklee, music schools, clinics, methods, books, DVDs etc as we do nowadays! They just followed chord progressions (often stripped down to the basic functional chords) and built up the melody by playing around and embellishing the arpeggio notes. In my opinion, this solution is not only suitable for "old" Jazz styles, but it is also very effective and useful in any style!

To sum up, as for any other style, the first step is to learn to play the original pure style as it is. Once you can do that, then do not hesitate to mix it with your own variations, musical experience, and personal taste! Gypsy Jazz is still constantly evolving, and is open to influences by other styles, not like other "mummified" Jazz styles like Dixieland, where you just have to play it super strictly note by note, like they used to 80 years ago. As Jimy Hendrix said (I think it was him) "learn the rules first, then break them" …and not the other way round!

Tip n° 1. An idea to get tension over a 7th dominant chord: just play a simple major arpeggio starting from the TRITONE. For example, over a G7 (that will resolve on a CM or a Cm) play an idea based upon the C#M arpeggio… simple but works!

Tip n°2. Over a major tonic chord at the end of a IIm V7 I sequence, play a major arpeggio ONE STEP HIGHER: for example over a CM play a DM, you'll hear some interesting notes, as the II (or IX), the VI(or XIII) and the Vb (or XI#)… a very bebopish sound!

Tip n°3. Over a minor tonic chord you can play ideas based on the augmented arpeggio and scale starting from his dominant chord: for example, on a Cm you will play the G augmented arpeggio/scale.

Tip n° 4. You can always swap relative major/minor keys: for example, you can play Am ideas over a CM, and viceversa.

A LITTLE EXERCISE. On a IIm V7 I progression in key of C, try to develop ideas using just major arpeggios in the following way: Dm = CM arpeggio G7= C#M arpeggio CM= DM arpeggio. Find a nice sounding pattern then move it chromatically upward…then begin to work on it, you can play one pattern upward and the next downward… there are a lot of workable melodic inventions!

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Stochelo Rosenberg - Improvisation
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Russell Malone plays DMG002E, long scale jazz guitar
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inserito il 04/02/2008  da DarkMatterGuitars - visualizzazioni: 3098
Stochelo Rosenberg - For Sephora
inserito il 04/02/2008  da Jacopoj - visualizzazioni: 3421
Stochelo Rosenberg - J'attendrai
inserito il 04/02/2008  da Jacopoj - visualizzazioni: 3375
Tra una gamba e l'altra (Paolo Angeli)
Paolo Angeli è un grande musicista che ha modificato la sua chitarra sarda riuscendo a far cose clamorose come questa... (info su paolo @ www.pao...
inserito il 04/02/2008  da smilzovideo - visualizzazioni: 5435
Russell Malone - Solo Guitar
Russell Malone playing some nice solo guitar on Torsten Goods' archtop signature model by Alphonse J. Keller, after a gig with Dianne Reeves in german...
inserito il 03/02/2008  da goodsi - visualizzazioni: 3205
Trio Rosenberg - Nuages
inserito il 03/02/2008  da Jacopoj - visualizzazioni: 3882
Joe Pass Recital
Performing Gillespie/Young 'Beautiful Love'...
inserito il 23/01/2008  da elduendecillo07 - visualizzazioni: 3468
The Brecker Brothers - Song For Barry (Parte 1)
Mike Stern (Guitarra) Dennis Chambers (Batería)...
inserito il 16/01/2008  da lalobaqtas - visualizzazioni: 4315
The Brecker Brothes - Song For Barry (Parte 2)
Mike Stern (Guitarra) Dennis Chambers (Batería)...
inserito il 16/01/2008  da lalobaqtas - visualizzazioni: 3779
Bruno De Filippi STARDUST
Bruno De Filippi Guitar, Renato Sellani Piano, Paolino Dalla Porta Basso, Pietro Sala Batteria, , LIVE IN MILANO 1985...
inserito il 16/01/2008  da mariopela - visualizzazioni: 4798
Mike Stern - All Heart (Parte 2)
Dennis Chambers en la bateria...
inserito il 13/01/2008  da lalobaqtas - visualizzazioni: 4741
Mike Stern - All Heart (Parte 1)
Dennis Chambers en la batería...
inserito il 12/01/2008  da lalobaqtas - visualizzazioni: 4198
Rosenberg Trio - Caravan
inserito il 12/01/2008  da guitarro5 - visualizzazioni: 3940
One day (Björk, Cover By Paolo Angeli)
Paolo Angeli è un grande musicista che ha modificato la sua chitarra sarda riuscendo a far cose clamorose come questa... (info su paolo @ www.pao...
inserito il 11/01/2008  da smilzovideo - visualizzazioni: 5450
St. Thomas (Sonny rollins) by Barney kessel
Estructura AAB, C6 - Em7b5 A7 - Dm7 G7 -C6, C6 - Em7b5 A7 - Dm7 G7 -C6, Em7b5 - A7 - Dm7 -G7, C C7 - F F#dim - C/G Gsus7-C...
inserito il 07/01/2008  da gabrielmirelman - visualizzazioni: 3087
Darn That Dream - Louis Stewart & Tal Farlow - Live in Scotland, Part 1 of 7
Louis Stewart & Tal Farlow - Live in Scotland, Nov. 18, 1988., Darn That Dream (E. DeLange-J. Van Heusen), Part 1 of 7...
inserito il 05/01/2008  da JimR56 - visualizzazioni: 3264
Desired Constellation (Björk, Cover By Paolo Angeli)
Paolo Angeli è un grande musicista che ha modificato la sua chitarra sarda riuscendo a far cose clamorose come questa... (info su paolo @ www.pao...
inserito il 01/01/2008  da smilzovideo - visualizzazioni: 4916
Ahead in the sand (Frith, Cover By Paolo Angeli)
Paolo Angeli è un grande musicista che ha modificato la sua chitarra sarda riuscendo a far cose clamorose come questa... (info su paolo @ www.pao...
inserito il 31/12/2007  da smilzovideo - visualizzazioni: 5262
"Misty" performed by Tal Farlow
Jazz guitar legend Tal Farlow plays "Misty." From the Vestapol DVD "Jazz Masters, Volume Two." More info at http://guitarvideos.co...
inserito il 31/10/2007  da GtrWorkShp - visualizzazioni: 2782
Julian Lage, now age 19, has performed numerous times at the San Francisco Jazz Festival, The Monterey Jazz Festival and the Newport Jazz Festival...
inserito il 22/10/2007  da vidgirl26 - visualizzazioni: 3818
Barney Kessel Orfeo Negro Medley
Barney Kessel Orfeo Negro Medley ????????...
inserito il 13/10/2007  da y550550 - visualizzazioni: 2794
Tal Farlow - The Legendary Guitar of Tal Farlow DVD
http://www.chordmelody.com/newpage1.htm - Tal Farlow improvises a jazz guitar solo from his instructional DVD - "The Legendary Guitar of Tal Farl...
inserito il 09/10/2007  da chordmelod - visualizzazioni: 3467
Russell Malone & Grace Kelly - part one "Setting the Bar"
Russell Malone and 15 year old saxophonist Grace Kelly at Detroit Jazz Festival. Russell sets the bar high for the young saxophonist playing a mean bl...
inserito il 09/10/2007  da Jazzpro50 - visualizzazioni: 3123
Russell Malone and Grace Kelly (part 2) "Answering the call"
15 yr old saxophonist Grace Kelly answers the call. She holds her own with the great Malone in the battle of the blues solos. For more info about grac...
inserito il 09/10/2007  da Jazzpro50 - visualizzazioni: 3322
How deep is the ocean? - Lombardo - Rec by The Jazz Masters
"The Jazz Masters" (Bebo Ferra - guitar, Andrea Pozza - piano, Riccardo Fioravanti - bass and double bass, and Stefano Bagnoli - drums) teac...
inserito il 09/10/2007  da accademiadelsuono - visualizzazioni: 3523
WesMomtgomery FullHouse ????????? ?????
WesMomtgomery FullHouse ????????? ?????...
inserito il 07/10/2007  da y550550 - visualizzazioni: 2758
Eddy Palermo with Shawnn Monteiro "Blues"
Soriano sul Cimino(VT)Italy "Tuscia in Jazz" 29/07/07...
inserito il 07/10/2007  da lermici - visualizzazioni: 3663
In your own sweet way - D. Brubeck - Rec by The Jazz Masters
"The Jazz Masters" (Bebo Ferra - guitar, Andrea Pozza - piano, Riccardo Fioravanti - bass and double bass, and Stefano Bagnoli - drums) teac...
inserito il 04/10/2007  da accademiadelsuono - visualizzazioni: 4104
Frank Gambale - Isola D'Elba
inserito il 01/10/2007  da luizcpneto - visualizzazioni: 3732
Everything I love - Cole Porter - Rec by The Jazz Masters
"The Jazz Masters" (Bebo Ferra - guitar, Andrea Pozza - piano, Riccardo Fioravanti - bass and double bass, and Stefano Bagnoli - drums) teac...
inserito il 27/09/2007  da accademiadelsuono - visualizzazioni: 3734
Eddy Palermo
Eddy Palermo Quartet...
inserito il 09/09/2007  da Aducal - visualizzazioni: 3984
Kenny Burrell - Take The A Train
Kenny Burrell and the Jazz Heritage All-Stars perform Billy Strayhorn's "Take The 'A' Train" at Catalina Jazz Club, July 12, 2007., , Person...
inserito il 21/08/2007  da skyl4r - visualizzazioni: 3368
Kenny Burrell - Viva Tirado
Kenny Burrell and the Jazz Heritage All-Stars perform Gerald Wilson's "Viva Tirado" at Catalina Jazz Club, July 12, 2007., , Personnel:, Ken...
inserito il 20/08/2007  da skyl4r - visualizzazioni: 3165
Kenny Burrell - Lament
Kenny Burrell and the Jazz Heritage All-Stars perform J.J. Johnson's "Lament" at Catalina Jazz Club, July 12, 2007. Sorry about the bad soun...
inserito il 20/08/2007  da skyl4r - visualizzazioni: 3295
Caterina Valente Live 68 CD & DVD
Trailer of the Valente Live 68 CD&DVD www.caterinavalente.com - www.myspace.com/caterinavalenteofficial...
inserito il 19/08/2007  da ErakiEntertainment - visualizzazioni: 2786
Eddy Palermo "They Can't That Away From Me"
Napoli 4/7/05...
inserito il 13/08/2007  da eddyguit - visualizzazioni: 3476
Rosenberg Trio - For Sephora
inserito il 31/07/2007  da adrianzaga - visualizzazioni: 3241
Joe Pass - Do Nothin' Till You Hear from Me (1976)
Legends of Jazz Guitar...
inserito il 25/07/2007  da Extracelestial - visualizzazioni: 3461
Miles Davis & John Scofield
http://worldmusicstore.com.au Purchase this DVD by clicking above:...
inserito il 13/07/2007  da ozmusicshop - visualizzazioni: 5239
Avishai Cohen Trio Live at the Blue Note NYC
inserito il 05/06/2007  da crazyduckproductions - visualizzazioni: 4803
Caterina Valente "Over the rainbow" in italian
Caterina Valente on guitar sings a heartwarming italian version of "over the rainbow"...
inserito il 31/05/2007  da NORMALAB - visualizzazioni: 2826
Caterina Valente and Luiz Bonfa at the Hollywood Palace
Caterina hosts the Hollywood Palace Show and plays and sings with guest Luiz Bonfa from the score of Orfeu negro...
inserito il 31/05/2007  da NORMALAB - visualizzazioni: 3294
stochelo rosenberg salvatore russo la gitane
inserito il 31/05/2007  da gypsymood - visualizzazioni: 2974
George Benson - Breezin'
The very best of George Benson...
inserito il 12/05/2007  da onemorecupofcoffee1 - visualizzazioni: 3269
Russell Malone
Jazz guitar virtuoso Russell Malone gives a rare solo performance at the New York Guitar Festival's second biennial Guitar Marathon at the 92nd Street...
inserito il 28/04/2007  da guitarfestival - visualizzazioni: 4968
Frank Gambale giving a little sweeping lesson.
inserito il 24/04/2007  da sweepfast - visualizzazioni: 4087
Rosenberg Trio Rio Ancho
inserito il 15/04/2007  da Helios2007 - visualizzazioni: 3867
Africa Calling - Angelique Kidjo & Peter Gabriel
inserito il 09/04/2007  da idamawatu - visualizzazioni: 3415
Africa Calling - Angelique Kidjo - Tumba (Full Length)
inserito il 09/04/2007  da idamawatu - visualizzazioni: 4070
Joe Pass - Solo Jazz Guitar
This is an opening demonstration given by Joe Pass in one of his videos on solo jazz guitar....
inserito il 06/03/2007  da Extracelestial - visualizzazioni: 3078
Kessel / Burrell / Green - Blue Mist
"Above all, the humanness of a performer should, be apparent...the essence of a living being is greater, than the music. The music is only an exp...
inserito il 25/02/2007  da Extracelestial - visualizzazioni: 2950
FG giving a fretboard and Pentatonic scale sweeping lesson.
inserito il 07/01/2007  da sweepfast - visualizzazioni: 4061
Frank Gambale
inserito il 04/01/2007  da hernangp1 - visualizzazioni: 3542
Jeff Berlin
TrueFire - http://bit.ly/TrueFireFollow us on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/truefiretvBecome a fan on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tru...
inserito il 04/01/2007  da hernangp1 - visualizzazioni: 5043
Frank Gambale Lesson
inserito il 02/01/2007  da Imitationnigger - visualizzazioni: 3986
John McLaughlin & Paco DeLucia, Spain
John McLaughlin & Paco DeLucia, playing Chic Corea's Spain....
inserito il 22/12/2006  da brianl420 - visualizzazioni: 3084
Al di Meola Larry Coryell - Spain
Live Under The Sky 1986...
inserito il 20/12/2006  da 32emo42 - visualizzazioni: 4198
frank gambale solo
inserito il 18/12/2006  da Pentatonick - visualizzazioni: 3488
Joe Pass interview
In this brief interview Joe Pass talks in general terms about his approach to jazz improvisation....
inserito il 11/11/2006  da jazzster123 - visualizzazioni: 3728
Rosenberg, Lagrene, Escoude - Spain
Stochelo Rosenberg, Bireli Lagrene, and Christian Escoude playing Chick Corea's Spain....
inserito il 01/11/2006  da adrianzaga - visualizzazioni: 3736
Rosenberg Trio - For Sephora
inserito il 01/11/2006  da adrianzaga - visualizzazioni: 3802
John McLaughlin & Herbie Hancock: Turn Out The Stars
John McLaughlin (gtr) and Herbie Hancock (pno) pay tribute to Bill Evans....
inserito il 29/10/2006  da pixaninny - visualizzazioni: 2917
Stochelo Rosenberg Guitar Lesson
inserito il 21/10/2006  da adrianzaga - visualizzazioni: 2884
Bireli Lagrene & Stochelo Rosenberg play Spain
inserito il 13/10/2006  da eclypso - visualizzazioni: 2886
Rosenberg Trio - Rythme Futur
inserito il 08/10/2006  da adrianzaga - visualizzazioni: 3659
Stochelo Rosenberg Home in his trailer
inserito il 22/08/2006  da dirkthai - visualizzazioni: 3094
Frank Gambale Playing the song High 5.
inserito il 06/08/2006  da sweepfast - visualizzazioni: 4273
Stanley Jordan plays "Stairway to Heaven"
Stanley Jordan covers Jimmy Page's guitar classic., , Please keep your comments clean and respectful -- make no attacks on the artist or commentators...
inserito il 26/07/2006  da richcapo - visualizzazioni: 3524
Kurt Rosenwinkel - Zhivago
Kurt Rosenwinkel - guitarMark Turner - tenor saxophoneBen Street - bassJeff Ballard - drumsDL it here! - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KZ74JFGR...
inserito il 23/06/2006  da fodera6 - visualizzazioni: 5358
Joe Pass - All the Things You Are
Good ol' Joe Pass...
inserito il 10/03/2006  da wknit - visualizzazioni: 3068
Allan Holdsworth - Proto Cosmos
Allan Holdsworth jamming out....
inserito il 10/03/2006  da wknit - visualizzazioni: 4612
The Tal Farlow Trio - I Hear a Rhapsody
The Tal Farlow Trio, featuring Tal Farlow, Tommy Flanagan and Red Mitchell playing "I Hear a Rhapsody" :), Video Source: http://talfarlowfi...
inserito il 06/03/2006  da guitarsoul - visualizzazioni: 2820
Tal Farlow and Lenny Breau chats and plays together
Tal Farlow and Lenny Breau chats about guitar and music, and then plays together :), Video Source: http://talfarlowfilm.com/film_excerpt..., Does any...
inserito il 06/03/2006  da guitarsoul - visualizzazioni: 3332

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Publishing Date: 01/03/2007

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