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Sound and pregnancy
by Laura Pigozzi

A good piece of advice for pregnant singers or in general, for future mothers, is that they should sing for their child. This is not only a valid psycological support for both, but in fact it produces well being on a pure physical plane.
 As we know, the voice goes around through the air but also through the bones. The unborn child listenes to the mathernal voice that reaches him through vibrations of the spine and skeleton.
 Konrad Lorenz experimented at one point, to discover if the phoetus could hear. He began talking regurarly to a hatch of eggs, and when they opened, the new born duks, sensible to the scientist's voice, were ready to leave the mother in order to follow him when he talked!

"The human voice is capable to calm down a restless animal or a small child escluded from the use of language, thi is possible because the voice has a power independent from words. The baby from the uterus gets the voice and not the language. The human voice is an archetypal force".
 (A.Giuliani, La Repubblica, 30.10.92)

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Last Modified Date: 12/11/2003

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