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Rhythmical Patterns
by Toni Moretti

Hi everybody,
as promised her's a new lesson about rhythmic patterns. As I was sayin' in the last lesson the "riffs", or rhythm patterns are among the best useful ads for the purpose of constructing a solo, also because it's the most comprehensible part that can be understood by not so experts jazz funs. They wouldn't so easily recognize you are improvising using a superlocrian or phrigian scale, but they would understand if you are playing on the beat or switchin' the rhythm around. Many patterns you can find here are polirhythms. Others aren't, but they have at least a syncope, and are extracted from famous jazz themes. In some cases I also kept the chords, so to be able to think harmonically, on one note only, or with other scales and harmonies.A good method is takin' a theme different from the chosen pattern, or an Aebersold track, and tryin' to insert the pattern, so to assimilate it slowly and becoming part of your musical language.

It will be useful.

Next time...other patterns, from L to Z.

See you next time, Toni.

File Audio 1 (basato su Anthropology e Beatrice)
File Audio 2 (basato su Billie's Bounce)

Related articles:

LESSONS (electric bass): Riffs for Bass: a collection of bass riffs of historical importance (Toni Moretti)

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Toni Moretti
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Publishing Date: 18/09/2005

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