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Slap exercises
by Toni Moretti

It's not possible to explain in one page the technique of Slap.
For this reason who just started to play, I would like for you to consider the book "Funk Bass" of Jon Lieberman that starts from the beginning studies to difficult pattern with the help of the included CD.
As alternative, you can consider the book "
Thumb Basics" of Jonas Helborg.

The pattern I'm going to write are examples from the nice book of Lorenzo Forti "
Slap & Tapping" (Ed. Bčrben), where I've changed some fingering of the right hand and I included some dead notes.

The exercise starts playing using the forefinger that pull D string and the middle finger for the G string, while the thumb hits A and E string.

In this way you'll have a good "groove" , full of sound with many dead notes and you can alternate your movements and to play the strings in different way so you don't hit two times in the same way and don't have just 2 or 3 alternate percussions (you can play until 5 and over : T, H, T, P(i), P(m)….). In this way the performance will be faster and your hand relaxed.

As always, start playing all the exercises slowly, looking all your movements and using metronome.

The number above the pattern is the original number. I hope you'll enjoy them; in that case, I'll be ready to write more examples. (they are 50 …).

T: Thumb (hit with right thumb)
P(i): Pop (to pull with the forefinger D string)
P: Pop (to pull with middle finger the G-string)
H: Hammer-on (to hit with one finger of left hand)
The letter X instead notes stands for dead note, stopped string.
The roman number under the pentagram stands for the string.

Esercizio n° 1
Esercizio n° 3
Esercizio n° 13
Esercizio n° 14
Esercizio n° 19
Esercizio n° 40

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Data ultima modifica: 01/11/2005

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