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One of the slap problems is that you study it for long time, doing difficult exercises, playing at fast
speed and than we don't know what can we do with it!
Infact, many exercises are only a virtuous exhibition and these are not
so easily applicable at the real music.
What I would like to give you are just ideas, but I hope these can help you to
use practically slap.
I have taken the paradiddles that drummers use to study and I
have commuted them to slap.
Don't you like it?
Please go to your drummer and take one of his that you like, because
they are many, I took just few of them, and when you understand how it works you got it!!
If you accent the R, becomes thumb, the L becomes pop, otherwise becomes
ghost, the R either thumb or hammer and the L
always pop but with your forefinger on the D string (as
you saw in the last lesson), then we can
play them on a chords section, put triples etc.….
Well, here is a sample. Have a good practice to all of you!! Bye!
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Last Modified Date: 01/11/2005