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The Michel Petrucciani Trio

1. The Prayer - 11:05 
2. Our Tune - 6:51 
3. Face's Face - 4:37 
4. Night and Day - 9:20 
5. Here's That Rainy Day - 8:17 
6. Regina - 9:20 

Michel Petrucciani:
Palle Danielsson:
Eliot Zigmund:

Blue Note (CDP46295)

Questo è un particolare lavoro del grande Michel (se qualcuno conosce un pianista più virtuoso e veloce me lo faccia sapere!) molto cerebrale ed emozionante per il buon supporto della sezione ritmica. Una delle sedute più sensuali e rilassate che Michel ci abbia lasciato.

"My philosophy is to have a really good time and never to let anything stop me from doing what I want to do."

AMG EXPERT REVIEW: After five years during which he emerged from France to become an important figure in the international jazz world, pianist Michel Petrucciani (still a few days shy of his 23rd birthday) debuted on Blue Note with this superior trio outing. Assisted by bassist Palle Danielsson and drummer Eliot Zigmund, Petrucciani sometimes shows off the influence of Bill Evans both in the nearly equal roles played by the instruments and in his chord voicings. However, the pianist's own personality does shine through often on the set, which features explorations of four of Petrucciani's tunes, "Night and Day", and "Here's That Rainy Day". Superior post-bop music played by the already brilliant pianist. — Scott Yanow

Michel Petrucciani: Orange, Francia 28 December 1962; New York, 5 January 1999.

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Data pubblicazione: 14/10/2001

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