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Paolo Di Sabatino
piano, composer

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Born in Teramo, Italy on September 26 1970, Paolo Di Sabatino began studying the piano at a very young age under the guidance of his father.

In 1990 he graduated from the Conservatory of Bari with top marks, full honours and an honourable mention. In 1994, Paolo gains his diploma of Jazz Music from the same institution.

Paolo has dedicated himself solely to jazz performing in various line-ups from the "piano soloist" to the octet, in important jazz clubs, concerts and radio broadcasts (Radio 2 e Radio 3 RAI). He has also performed in numerous festivals in Italy such as those of Fano, Pescara, Pomigliano, Urbino, the Gargano Piano Festival, Lignano, Foggia, Bergamo, Villa Celimontana, Aosta, Ai Confini tra Sardegna e Jazz.

Paolo has performed with names such as Massimo Urbani, Giulio Capiozzo, Manu Roche, M. Cafiero, Paolo Fresu, S. Satta, Nicola Arigliano, Lee Konitz, Rosario Giuliani, Gianni Coscia, Eddie Palermo, Lino Patruno, Gegè Telesforo, Enrico Rava, Maurizio Giammarco, Irio De Paula, Marcello Rosa, R. Rossi, Gianni Cazzola, Dario Deidda, C. Meyer, John Patitucci, Horacio El Negro Hernandez, Bob Mintzer and many more.

In 1993 Paolo recorded his first CD "Harem" with the help of Marco Tamburini, Massimo Moriconi and Massimo Manzi of Old Magic Music, Rome.

During the 1994-95 scholastic year, Paolo taught solmization at the Conservatory of Bari.

In 1996 Paolo published a collection of didactic material for the piano entitled "15 pezzi per piccoli pianisti" (15 Pieces for the Small Pianist) to assist in the development of melody (ediz. Trasimeni – Rome). In the same year, his second CD "Foto Rubate" for Splasc(h) is released, a "live" trio with Moriconi and Manzi and he published a collection of jazz piano pieces ("Jazz Reflections" – ediz. Bèrben – Ancona).

Paolo then recorded his third CD for "Modern Times" entitled "Dialogo a Due" with the trumpeter Fabrizio Bosso.

In March 1999 Paolo performed at the famous jazz club "Jazz Showcase" in Chicago and signed an exclusive contract with Hallway Records of Chicago, releasing his CD "Introducing Paolo Di Sabatino" as a quartet with Bosso, Ciancaglini and Manzi. In November of the same year Paolo records "Threeo" with John Patitucci and Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez.

Paolo Di Sabatino

After three years of teaching at the "T. Schipa" Conservatory of Lecce, Paolo is currently a jazz teacher at the "F. Morlacchi" Conservatory of Perugia.

1994 Paolo Di Sabatino Quartetto Harem – Old Magic Music OMM94DSP01
1996Paolo Di Sabatino Trio Foto Rubate – Splasc(h) CDH 482.2
1997Bosso – Di Sabatino Dialogo a due – Modern Times MDT 30145
1999Paolo Di Sabatino 4tet Introducing Paolo Di Sabatino - Hallway Records 9706
2000Paolo Di Sabatino font size="2" face="Tahoma" color="#3366CC"> Threeo – Hallway Records 9709
2001The Postcard from Brazil Cartolina dal Brasile – Wide Sound WD107
2002Fabrizio Bosso with Paolo Di Sabatino Italian Songs – Wide Sound
2002 – In june Il Manifesto Ed. is publishing Paolo new album with: Javier Girotto, Stefano Di Battista, Daniele Scannapieco, Horacio El Negro Hernandez, Carlitos Puerto.

As sideman:
2000Claudio Canzano L'amo – Wide Sound WD101
2000 Renzo Ruggieri Group Accordion Voyage – Wide Sound WD103
2000Massimo ManziQuasi sera – Wide Sound WD104
2001Gianluca Esposito Quintet Little Groove – Wide Sound WD105
2001Vito Giordano QuartetFlavours – Videoradio – VR CD000391

Contacts and information:
web: www.paolodisabatino.it
email: info@paolodisabatino.it

Fabrizio Bosso and Paolo

Marco Tamburini, Paolo, Massimo Manzi, Massimo Moriconi

Horacio El Negro Hernandez, Paolo, John Patitucci

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Last Modified Date: 30/11/2006

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