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Transcriptions: a.k.a. sheet, pencil, rubber and ... open ears
by Alessandro Fabbri

Transcribing is one of the basic exercise for learning; it's a training which calls for deep and accurate listening: the skills and sensibility a jazz musicians must have.

Starting this training is never too late and never too soon; I strongly suggest it, considering also that playing a self-made  trancription is too far more useful than playing one made by someone else: the learning process starts for doing it not only playing it.

Some suggestions:

  1. start with something very simple (comping schemes, chases of four bars, fills) from the most intellegible (and great) drummers; for istance: Max Roach (very good starting point!), Kenny Clarke, Philly Joe Jones. Remember that it's very important to "steal" two or four measures from your favourite drummes for learning a style,
  2. for complicated phrasing begin transcribing just the rhythm scheme. Then you can concentrate on the instrumentation.
  3. try to listen and notate the most subtle nuances (crescendos, dim..., accents, rim clicks, rim shots.. stick on stick etc.)
  4. always write in the most clear manner
  5. use the same "notation key" for all your trancriptions. If some different instruments will be used, notate them in a new key.
  6. When the transcripiton is finished, don't try to play from the beginning to the end at first sight, but concentrate on some characteristic phrasing and bars will really build up a style
  7. get use to "imagine" the complete figures and phrasing before transcribing. Doing so you will help you in transcribing also with no instruments at hand...when you walk, in your car or in train. Have you ever tried to trancribe the rhythm of a train approaching to a station?

Ringin' Bells

Alessandro Fabbri
Jazz Drums Workout

7 tracce originali per studiare
il linguaggio jazz della batteria

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Last Modified Date: 12/07/2005

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