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Roberto Demo

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«...The core trio (Luigi Martinale, p; Yves Rossignol, ac b; Paolo Franciscone, d.) swings pleasantly and Demo waxes both romantic on the ballads and more robustly on the swinging set pieces...His Jazz scat is as competent as any other I've heard and for those interested in an international take on straight ahead Jazz vocals, this disc might be worth checking out» Troy Collins - Cadence - U.S.A.

Roberto Demo, singer, born in Turin in 1965. His musical interest developed studying guitar (classical and jazz).

He approached harmony and arrangement and composition techniques with several teachers and widened his knowledge of jazz language through various seminars held by some of the major exponents of world jazz including Barney Kessel, Mick Goodrick, Scott Henderson and Jim Hall.

In 1992 he completed a degree in Electronic Engineering.

Afterwards he attended composer, arranger and programmer courses at the "Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale di Saluzzo".

As regards singing, after years of self-taught practice, he discovered Jo Estill's Voicecraft-EVTS (Estill Voice Training System) method. After attending several seminars and lessons with Jo Estill in Italy and California, he collaborated in '98 as her assistant in creating a new course oriented to the choir. In this period, he obtained the EVTS licence.

Since September '92, he has been carrying on his own activity covering various roles from didactics, to studio and live work in duo, quartet and vocal group, with diverse jazz repertories.

In autumn 2001 he recorded his first cd "La Porta" with Palmino Pia piano and Emanuele Cisi sax.

He was voted fifth among the best new Italian talents of 2001 in Musica Jazz (January 2002).

In summer 2002 he played at the "Brescia Jazz Festival", at "Estate a Palazzo" in Turin and "Ottobre Jazz" in Caraglio-CN.

In spring 2003 he performed a series of concerts in Berlin and in the summer he played his first concert in solo at "Le voci del jazz" in Superga-Turin.

At the end of 2004 he recorded "Sono un Bluff", almost all original compositions with Italian lyrics with Luigi Martinale piano, Yves Rossignol bass and Paolo Franciscone drums.

Many positive reviews on jazz magazines, newspaper (Corriere della Sera) and web sites followed.

In April 2005 he was interviewed on Radio Rai International.

He recently played at Ancona Jazz and at Jazzinlamis (south Italy).

In June he was classified second at the International Massimo Urbani Award.

He played in London at the National Theatre and was guest at the 606 club and the Spice of Liffe on last June.

He has played with Emanuele Cisi, Luigi Martinale, Jonathan Gee, Steve Rose, Winston Clifford, Ada Montellanico, Luigi Tessarollo, Roberto Taufic, Massimo Moriconi, Massimo Manzi, Alessandro Maiorino, Alessandro Minetto...

Jazz discography:
La Porta
(Roberto Demo, Palmino Pia, Emanuele Cisi) - Abeat records – 2001
Sono un Bluff (Roberto Demo, Luigi Martinale, Yves Rossignol, Paolo Franciscone) – Abeat Records 2005

Roberto Demo
Sono Un Bluff

Contacts and information:
Roberto Demo
phone +39 011/8991926
mobile +39 328/2311080
email: info@robertodemo.net
web: www.robertodemo.net

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Last Modified Date: 11/08/2005

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