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Mauro De
Double Face
1. Blue dream 1' 28''
2. My red
passion 6' 30''

3. Calypso Jim 5' 05''
4. The eternal triangle 5' 55''
5. Operina 6' 36''
6. The second time around 6' 21''
7. John Stuff 6' 35''
8. Poinciana 5' 44''
9. Le 2 "Elle" 6' 08''
10. My label 1' 20''
Mauro De Federicis,
acoustic and electric guitar
Felice Del Gaudio, bass
Gianluca Caporale , sax
Alfredo Laviano , drums
The years I spent cramming a great variety of musical styles, led me to realiste
that music can be expressed differently and implies diverse appreciation and
I bilieve that everything is bestowed of a double meaning,or more
precisely of a twofold aspects. Life itself is double- sided. In this respect,
Double Face
is meant to refer to a combination of two kinds of sounds stored up
in my second album, one being sheer acoustic, the other being more aggressive, or eletric.
Obviously, that is brought about from a mixture of genres blended
together, and influences from jazz to pop and classical music Let me explain why
I choose The Eternal Triangle,
The Second Time Around
as the three
notable tracks of the album.
The first one regards the structure, that is to say
the "anatole" or "changing rhythm", even though with a diverse bridge; it is one
of the most complex jazz structure capable of joining a range of rhythms, tunes
and melodies from which one can set out to jamming on freely, without any
limits. Poinciana
has been played so often in the clubs with different
musicians and the idea of a different version has always stirred my curiosity.
The Second Time Around
has apparently a simple pattern, but it really sounds
excellent. The lyric of the song epitomises a time in my life.
More briefly I
would like to talk about the other songs of the album.
Le Due Elle, is a sort of
beguine dedicated to two mates I love.
Calypso Jim
John Stuff
are ispired by two
great guitarists, Jim Hall and John Scofield.
is a ¾ ballad made up of a
three-bit melodic lines, each of them being independent from the others in tune.
My Red Passion
comes from my knack for the flavour of red wine, something I am
absolutely passionate about.
The opening and closing tracks of the CD are two
instrumental songs for guitar I truly appreciate.
Blue Dream
is a pretty simple
prelude based on an uplifting tune. The colour blue brings to my mind something
stylish or magnificent but it also stands for wisdom; it is the colour of the
sky and night, my favourite colour.
My Label
is a melancholic ballad and contais
the spirit of this "label", which is one of its two facets.
Mauro De Federicis

via L. Fioravanti 26
64020 Nepezzano (TE)
Tel./Fax 0861.558611
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Last Modified Date: 15/01/2005