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A Nathan East didactic line
by Toni Moretti

Hi everybody, this time I want to enclose a transcription that I use very much in my lessons.

It is a very interesting didactic piece by Nathan East, utilizing a "funk" phrasing. This way of playing is often found in ballads where we don't want to play a straight walking bass in "4", but we aim at obtaining a more modern sound.

Almost, we always find the tonics on the chords, but the passing notes between the chords are important (usually the thirds or a chromatism). Furthermore it's important the F min arpeggio on the fourth movement in the bar 48 and the consequent closing on the third and fourth movement of the following bar with the A flat pentatonic scale.

It's interesting to notice that in the bar 13 if we substitute the notes A flat and G flat respectively with G# and F# we obtain a E 9 chord. So I suggest to use the E chord fingering in that bar.

In a few cases (where it can help you) I put the fingerings (numbers above the notes) and the strings (roman numbers underneath the notes), to use as a guide.

Since it has me requested, I put an mp3 file of the piece with and without bass (where YOU can play over it) and a midifile of the bass line only. People who are not very keen on reading can appreciate that: it can be a good exercise.
As a matter of fact there are many who can play, but not all can write what they play!

his time you are gonna have some fun, ain't it? Ciao, Toni.

Piece with bass - MP3 (2.2 MB)
Piece without bass - MP3 (2.2 MB)
Bass line - MIDI


Related articles:

LESSONS (electric bass): Rhythmical Patterns: other ideas coming from famous standards (Toni Moretti)


LESSONS (electric bass): Riffs for Bass: a collection of bass riffs of historical importance (Toni Moretti)

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Toni Moretti
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Last Modified Date: 01/11/2005

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