Enzo Orefice
piano, arranger
He was born in
Naples in June 14th of
1972, just a child he started to study piano nearly for fun, induced by his mother already music teacher. About fifteen he started a study aiming to take the diploma of piano, under the guide of
M° Nicola Setaro, that he obtained in 1994.
Terminated the studies of piano, he has recorded a CD with a funky-rap band
(Settima Fermata), in this way he has achieved quite good success and collaborated in more than one concert with
A.J. Forest, keep on play classical concert e slowly begun his approach to jazz music.
In 1996
he attended an annual course in
Siena supported by: Enrico Pieranunzi, Mauro Grossi and
Paolino Dalla Porta. He went out of this course with enthusiasm about jazz and decided to consider it as a reason of life.
In 1997 he has enrolled at the statal conservatory of music in Benevento where he studied with
Piero Leveratto and Ettore Fioravanti, diplomated in 2000. In those years he collaborated with
jazz musicians like: Piero Leveratto, Ada
Montellanico, Maurizio Giammarco, Stefano Cantini, Ettore
Fioravanti, Antonio Onorato,
Marco Zurzolo, Antonio Golino and many others jazz musicians of Campania.
In june 2001
he was diplomated in
"Didattica della Musica" at the statal conservatory of music in Benevento.
Another great passion of Enzo Orefice is the music composition infact during those years he has collaborated (writing and playing original music for theater) with theatrical and dancer groups of Avellino and so on. He has also collaborated with actors of international fame like
Enzo Moscato, Paila Pavese e Norma Martelli.
Orefice took part in a lot of tv shows on Rai networks (Notte di
Stelle- august '99),
(Un volto per Fotomodella- september 2000) and Fininvest networks
(La Domenica del Villaggio- december 1999), he has recorded for
RAI-Sat too and to his credit he has a cospicuous concertistic activity all over Italy.
In winter of 2001
he's semi-finalist in
He does musical activity and teaches at backward children center
"A.C.V. Enzo Aprea" in Atripalda (AV) and is holder of the project
"Educazione alla Musica" at the school istitute "G.
Pascoli" in Rotondi (AV). He is teacher of "Musica Jazz" at the international accademy of music
"W. Kandisky".
He's dealing of arrangement section of the Jazzitalia web-site, his
original songs and piano trascriptions are even published on web-site
- Enzo Orefice Trio: original repertory
- Enzo Orefice Special
Edition: a formation of ten elements in wich permanently collaborate Piero Leveratto
and Ada Montellanico
- TNT quartet: electro-acoustic quartet
- Il Doppio di Bach: a remake in a jazz way of great german compositor
- PACO JAZZ BAND: jazz big band
- RAMBLA: rock dance band with an original repertory
Contacts and Information:
via De Curtis 14
83013 - Mercogliano (AV) - ITALY
phone/fax 0039 0825 683088 - 0039/329/4126881
(mobile) email: info@enzorefice.it web: www.enzorefice.it
Translation by Lucio Belisario
Visit the Enzo Orefice's on line lesson pages on Jazzitalia
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Last Modified Date: 22/12/2005