Jazzitalia - Artists: Nicola Vicidomini
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Nicola Vicidomini
piano (piano, composition, actor)

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Following the debut as "young chansonnier" in 1997, and after numerous theatrical production, the known performer and Italian composer Nicola Vicidomini has been motor and protagonist of experimental, international productions.

From the album "Mi dň un tono", recorded in 2005 and co-produced by the agency MMS in Berlin with the partecipation of the pianist Giacomo Aula, the saxophonist Marco Zurzolo and the bass-player Aldo Vigorito, to the collection of text for the theatre "La radio altamente specifica" (Ibiskos Editrice Risolo - Florence - 2006) volume with Cd, with preface from Cochi Ponzoni.

Nicola Vicidomini develops in a subtle and intelligent way the theme of the free word and the free, but motivated, association of ideas, through symbolism that concerns our society. Perhaps the public to which he turns will remain perplexed, as it happened to me and Renato, when many years ago told our apparent nonsense(...)
Cochi Ponzoni 2004

From the Album "Electronic Love" to "Scendi Vittorio Scendi", published May 27th 2008, for which he makes use of the collaboration of Mario Zonta, of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts (New York) and of the inseparable Marco Zurzolo.

I have had the fortune to listen "Scendi Vittorio Scendi", the new album of Nicola Vicidomini. It is not easy to give a name to the multiform, complex, coloured and fascinating art that characterizes this young author from the sure and eclectic talent.
Listening to his texts with headphones means a psychedelic trip through emotions, cultures, overlaps of languages and sounds from which it seems, then, difficult to return to the reality. A trip inside a crazy, amazing kaleidoscope. To the bright colours it is added the "white" and "the black". At times the blinding white and sometime the black of the dark of the jungle. All the colours of Warhol: from the red and violet to the silver grey. (...)
But is also a meddler giving way to the discovery of the unknown part of ourselves and make the memory resurface a world that, also known, we had removed, distracted by the flatness of the everybody life or metropolitana (subway) and vulgarly considered "glamour": the din of the horses, the rattle of the tram, the domestic scenes, the unintentional humour of the banal situations, the roughish serenades. But what is really important is that he doesn't deny his cultural, musical or ethnologic origins, he mixes them and overcomes them, he remembers them, he forgets them till to be a hyperrealist minstrel and he reaches an expressive style which is only his own. A particular song, "Casa Ina Casa", tells you about someone who can look at... for.
Contaminating styles, inventing sonority and elaborated poetry and desecration, Vicidomini simply gives us feeling... It is very more...
Andy would have loved him. Andy was always right.
Mario Zonta  - Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts - -New York-

Academic teacher, quartet's leader B Project (Vicidomini, Zurzolo, Vigorito, Fasano), he exhibits himself in duo for varied happening and show with the famous Italian humorist Mario Marenco, who directed in "Gli americani sono meglio" with Marenco and Vicidomini.

La Radio Altamente Specifica - Teatro CabaretI believe that Nicola Vicidomini makes some interesting things. He is one who believes in the quality. He writes some unusual things as animals with synthetic fur… a mixture of "chiavica" and "lyricism"
Mario Marenco - from an interview – October 2006

Nicola Vicidomini has performed in remarkable Italian and foreigner clubs and has been "guest" to Musical and Theatrical Manifestations of notorious importance with live programmes and interventions through some important National Italian radio and TV broadcasting. He has composed music for films and he has taken care of the artistic direction of "Salvaguardia Testa Festival 2007" in Rome, to which he also participated with the pičce "Kermesse" written with the Italian humorist and actor Felice Andreasi. The work and the collaboration with Michele Monetta (ICRA "International Center of Research on the actor" and National Academy of Dramatic Art Silvio D'Amico) have flowed in "Dada: mise en espace" (Tzara, Breton, Picabia) (2005), in a interpretation about "The Lesson" of Eugene Jonesco (2006), that Vicidomini has also proposed in his "Del Cabaret solo la polvere" (2007), and in the effective riproposition of "La cimice" di Majakovskij (2007).

Nicola is a gestural writing but not pantomimic, a mute word in an acoustic movement (…) An athletic theatre in which one sings, marks the rhythm and singsongs a sort of indecent nonsense rhyme for a decent public who has standardized tastes.
Michele Monetta2005

He also shared the scene with the Italian popular comic Giorgio Bracardi in 2006.

The association with the pianist Giacomo Aula has given life to the European tournče "Liric Interplay", of and Vicidomini and Aula, symbiotic excursus between musicality of the verse and great international jazz.

Contacts and Information:
Nicola Vicidomini
email: info@nicolavicidomini.it e smerchrecord@gmail.it
web: www.nicolavicidomini.it

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