Luigi Ferrara
chromatic harmonica, composition, piano, bass
Ferrara graduates in Piano at Perugia's Academy of Music and in Bass at Pesaro's
Academy of Music. His jazz style, developed during the early 80's, is influenced
by the music of
Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson and
Thielemans music. It is thanks to
Thielemans, with whom he has been associated since
1995, that he takes up studying the chromatic
harmonica in 1986.
At the end of 80's he performs on RAI UNO TV and subsequently throughout
Europe: in Spain, England, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Greece, Austria
and France.
He wins first prize in the Concorso di Musica d'Autore in Recanati.
He spends 1994 composing music for stage
plays ("Il Gabbiano Jonathan Livingston" – Compagnia Teatri Comunicanti).
He performs in the Big Band "Excalibur" directed by Maurizio Carugno, playing
with the American trumpet player Phil Mango.
Since 1996 Luigi Ferrara has played
with famous jazz musicians:
Alain Caron,
Marco Luciani, Paul Brochu, Joanne Brackeen, Greg Osby, Ira Coleman, Dion Pearson,
Paul Shigihara, Enrick Soll, Thomas Ruckert, Christina Fuchs, Felix Heydemann, Oliver
Leicht, Markus Sluefardecker, Melbra Rai, Helen Abbey,, Randy Bersen,
Rita Marcotulli,
Paolo Fresu,
Flavio Boltro,
Furio Di Castri,
Franco Cerri,
Jane Morris, Henry Thomas,Lockett Mornington, Paul Hirsh Neil Mac Coll,
Greg Leppard, Martyn Barker,
John Scofield
He is personally invited by
Toots Thielemans
to perform on 20 August 1997 at the concert
held at La Verdura Theatre, Palermo.
1997 he produces his debut CD "The
Life Always", collaborating with leading Italian jazz musicians: Ramberto
Eric Cisbani, Massimo Colucci, Mauro Bruscantini,
Di Bonaventura, Marco Ferrara, Massimo Ferri, Onorino
Tiburzi and Simone La Maida.
His CD "The Life Always" has been acclaimed
by prestigious jazz magazines: "Jazz Journal" (Great Britain), "Jazz Notes" (France),
"Swing Journal" (Japan), "Jazz Podium" (Germany), "Cadence Magazine" and "Jam Magazine"
(USA), "Pana Studio News", "Audio Rewiev", "Resto del Carlino" and "Famiglia Cristiana"
It has also been acclaimed by the listeners of the satellite radios "Sky
Radio" (Canada) - who elected "The Life Always" ‘the best new CD of the week' -
"MRS" (France), and of the national radio "Radio Estonia" (Estonia) - "RaiRadiotre
Suite" (Italy), "Radio Show One Voice" Hannover (Germany) – BBC series "New Jazz
Standards" London (England) – Radio Popolare Torino (Italy) – Radio"NDR"Bigband
(Germany) – Radio" Never Say Die"(Germany) – Radio "Penguin" (Russia) – Radio"BBC
Broadcasting House" (England) – RaiRadioTre "Invenzioni a due voci (Italy).
In 2001 he plays in the Italian National
Radio Tre (La stanza della musica) and he starts his collaboration with the
Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana and the composer Roberto Mulinelli ("Four
Pictures from New York).
In 2002 he plays again in Rai Radio Tre
(Invenzioni a due voci), with the English singer
Jane Morris and the American singer Janet Thompson.
In 2003 he performs with the English
singer Helen Abbey in Great Britain. He plays with
John Scofield
at the Bitches' Brew Club in Italy (S. Benedetto del Tronto); he also plays
Molinelli's Once Upon a Memory" with the Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana.
In 2004 he performs with
Toots Thielemans
at the Naima Club in Forlì. He also plays with the Egyptian singer
Nair. His second tour in England with Helen Abbey is very successful. Philology
Records produces his CD "Another Day".
1997 "The Life Always",
with important Italian jazz musicians: Ramberto Ciammarughi,
Eric Cisbani,
Massimo Colucci, Mauro Bruscantini,
Di Bonaventura, Marco Ferrara, Massimo Ferri, Onorino
Tiburzi and Simone La Maida.
1998 "The Life Always" is positively
rewieved by important jazz magazines: "Jazz Journal" (Inghilterra), "Jazz Notes"
(Francia), "Swing Journal" (Giappone), "Pana Studio News", "Audio Review", "Il Resto
del Carlino", "Famiglia Cristiana" (Italia),"Jazz Podium" (Germania), "Cadence Magazine"
e "Jam Magazine" (Stati Uniti).
"The Life Always" is also broadcast all over the world: "Sky jazz Radio"
(where it's rewarded as the best record in 1997) (Canada)
- "MRS" (France) - "Radio Estonia" (Estonia) - "RaiRadioTre"(Italy) - "Radio Show
One Voice" (Germany) – "BBC series New Jazz Standards" (England) – "Radio Never
Say Die" (Germany) – "Radio Popolare (Italy) – "Radio NDR Bigband (Germany) – "Radio
Penguin" (Russia) – Radio BBC Broadcasting House" (England) - "Rai Radio Tre"(Italy).
2000 "Secrets of the
Heart" (Luigi's songs played at the piano);
2001 "Four Pictures
from New York" (Roberto Molinelli's songs played with the Orchestra
Sinfonica Marchigiana and directed by Gabriel Chmura).
2003 "Once upon a Memory"
with the Orchestra Sinfonica Marchigiana and directed by Daniele Agiman.
2003 "My songs ad my
harmonica" (recorded with Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana);
2003 "Simply me"
recorded in London with the singer Helen Abbey.
2004 "Another Day".
Three important Italian jazz musician collaborate with Luigi: Ramberto Ciammarughi,
Gabriele Pesaresi and
Manzi. The Italian National Television RAITRE has broadcast a
reportage on this record (January 2005).
"Luigi Ferrara is a total musician. He expresses himself with his harmonica, his
piano, and his warm and lyrical compositions… He has my vote and will get yours!
Bravo Luigi"
Thielemans Marzo 1997
"There is a letter brimming with praise for Ferrara reproduced on the CD cover writing
by Jean
Toots Thielemans. The leader repay the compliment with "Song to Thielemans"
a soulful ballad played with warmth by Ferrara on harmonica and featuring the piano
of Ciammarughi. This is fairly laid back set with good playing all around and unusual
in the leader's choise of instrument, particularly in view of his modern approach
to jazz; this music has a contemporary flavour throughout. The self-produced record
is distributed by Discovery Record in this country and should be easy enough
to order if it's not in your local shop."
Derek Ansell in Jazz Journal (England)
"Un jeune musicien italien m'a adressè son CD, et je peux que vous recommander son
acquisition si vous ètes passionè de jazz et d' harmonica. Il nous interprète onze
plages de sa composition, dont 10 à l' harmonica et une au piano, qu' il maitrise
fort bien, plus Blusette de Toots qui au passage lui rèmoigne ses plus vifs encouragement,
car le garson a un superbe feeling, privilegiant les harmonies riches et stimulantes,
en utilisant son instrument comme un saxophone. […]. Un CD qui dègage une èmotion
intense, et qui s'ècoute avec voluptè. Du Jazz actuel plein d'emotion."
Gèrald Mathieu in Jazz Note (France)
"Italienische und Japanische Rezensenten waren die ersten Pressevertieter, die Debur-Einspielung
des Italienischen Komponisten,Pianist, Kotrabassisten und vor allem Harmonica-spieler
Luigi Ferrara aus Magliano di Tenna zu hòren bekamen, und sie alle ùberschlugen
sich formilich vor Begeisterung. Und dies zu Recht. Mit "Rhe Life Always" ist Luigi
Ferrara ein grandioser Wurf gelungen. Durch
Toots Thielemans
gleicher-maben inspiriert wir motiviert (eine Emplehlung des belgischen Harmonica-Stars
in Brielform ist auf dem Cover abgedruckt) gelingt es Ferrara, auf vorliegender
Produktion mit charmantern Ego deutlich klrzumachen, daß er seinen eigenen Stil,
seine eigene Sprache aus Musik, und seine ganz, individuelle Spielauffassung gefunden
und kultiviert hat. Die Beselzungen reichen vom Duo bis zum Quintett, und die Kompositionen,
mit Ausnahme von Thirlrmans' "Bluesette" allesamt Ferrara-Originale, verdeutlichen
pointiert, daß es dem italienischen Harmonica-Spieler gefungen ist, die tradition
zu begreifen un siche ihrer als Auusgangsmaterial fùr seine eigenen stimmungsvollem
und armospharischen Artikulationen zu bedienen. Ferrara and Co. Verstehen es vorzuglich,
zu swingen, den alten Heroen ein vergnùgliches Augenzwinkern zu gònhen (man beachte
nur die Unisono-Passage von Harmonica und Sax in Ferrara "The Hikk", und unwelgelgerlich
fallen einem dazu die Vienna-Sessions Oscar Pettifords mit Zoller und Koller
ein) und mit dem fasanten Atem der Gegenwart der tradition eine neue Qualitat einzuhauchen."
Thomas Tang in Jazz Podium (Germania)
"He is Toots
Thielemans' heir. […] All his pieces are fascinating and it's easy to realize
how great his talent his."
Hiroki Sugita in Swing Journal (Giappone)
"You are an excellent Harmonica player and you have put together a fine album. Can
offer my own personal praise for your good work."The Life Always" is a very nice
Mike Metheny (Usa)
"You are indeed a great harmonica player and it would be great to play together".
Jane Morris (UK)
"I listen your music and enjoy it very much…"
Uri Caine
"Your CD's sound wonderful, your tunes also…"
Mark Levine (Usa)
"…your music is great. You are a wonderful player, nice band, tunes, good sounding
recording as well…"
Alan Pasqua (Usa)
"…Your music is beautiful…"
John Scofield
"They sound great. You are a very good musician and a very good composer."
Frank Amsallem (Francia)
"Sentimento e atmosfera si diffondono con naturalezza e proprietà d' espressione
dai brani dell' armonicista e polistrumentista Luigi Ferrara. In "Sole" il feeling
di Cisbani-drums- e Bruscantini- double bass – asseconda i limpidi flussi descrittivi,
che si accendono sgorganti, a tratti proiettati in avanti, di Colucci – guitar -,
la radiosa freschezza discorsiva, morbida e ben modulata nel suo respiro evocativo,
di Luigi Ferrara e il vivace e chiaro avanzare ad " innesto continuo" nel suo elegante
e coordinato infittirsi, di Di Bonaventura al Piano. "The Hill", giocato sul fluidificante
evidenza le sicure escursioni e il prezioso drive di Ferrara e il pregnante racconto
"in jazz" e la dirittura e coesione di conduzione di La Maida al sax alto. "Valzer
to my Parents" vede il soffuso pathos e il savoir faire inventivo di Ferrara, armonicista
ora impresionista, ora dalle risoluzioni sguscianti, passare il testimone all' oculata
eleganza, che si spande con tersa scioltezza e con pianori di attenta e calibratta
costrizione verso esiti di lirica afflato, di Ciammarughi al piano. Le serene divagazioni
infittite di spunti di Luigi Ferrara in "Bluesette" si uniscono al pianismo ora
deciso e scandito, ora pronto a sciorinare mormorante affondi, di Marco Ferrara".
Giordano Selini in Panastudio New (Italia)
"C'è un giovane artista che crea sogni. Sogni tenui, impalpabili e impetuosi come
solo il jazz – quello dell' anima, però – può provocare. Si chiama Luigi Ferrara
questo compositore polistrumentista… Ha appena realizzato il suo primo CD "The Life
Always", reclutando un manipolo di eccellenti musicisti di casa nostra, veri talenti
[…]. Il CD dà un risultato davvero intrigante e piacevole, un caleidoscopio di atmosfere,
melodie avvolgenti, una spruzzata do bop, mixages di swing, funky e pop, e c'è posto
anche per un po' di bossanova, tutto scorre nell' alveo di un jazz mai artificioso,
mai spocchioso, viceversa caldo e denso di sentimenti […]. Luigi Ferrara è tutto
e solo musicista (e per questo lo stimiamo)".
Massimo Del Papa in Il Resto del Carlino (Italia)
"Un pizzico di Brasile e tanto
Thielemans in questo disco del giovane armonicista Luigi Ferrara. Il
quale tuttavia va ben oltre l'omaggio al maestro belga, realizzando un lavoro suggestivo,
anche in virtù delle belle composizioni". Roberto Parmeggiani in Famiglia
Cristiana (Italia)
"Ora con suggestive riflessioni, ora con brioso effondersi, si sviluppa il prezioso
sound dell'armonica di
Luigi Ferrara.
[…] Ferrara si inoltra con raffinatezza e sentimento, costruendo passo
dopo passo i suoi paesaggi sonori, con vivido insinuarsi e un continuo scendere
in profondità con radioso delineare e sottile diramarsi". […] Ora evocativo, ora
gioioso, il fraseggio sgorga graduale e armonioso con pienezza espressiva e si espande
a tasselli con significativo e sensibile senso discorsivo e con ora soffici, ora
calde rifiniture."
Giordano Selini (Italia)
Luigi Ferrara, musicista marchigiano residente è, da oltre un decennio, uno dei
Pianisti- Armonicisti più apprezzati del panorama jazz nazionale. Alcuni anni dopo
la realizzazione del suo primo CD "The Life Always' e la registrazione,
a Londra, del CD "Simply Me" insieme alla cantante inglese Helen Abbey,
l'artista pubblica, proprio in questi giorni, il suo ultimo lavoro discografico.
"Another Day" – è questo il nome del CD prodotto dalla Philology
Records – è stato realizzato insieme ai musicisti Ramberto Ciammarughi
(piano), Gabriele Pesaresi (contrabbasso) e
Manzi (batteria).
Corriere Adriatico (Italia) – gennaio 2005
Contacts and Information:
Prof. Luigi Ferrara
Via corva, 94
63020 Porto S. Elpidio (A.P.) ITALY
Tel. ++39–0734-996490
Mobile ++39-333-2865434
E mail:
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Last Modified Date: 14/09/2008