Jazzitalia - Artists: Francesco Carta
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Francesco Carta
piano, composition

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Pianist and composer, Francesco Carta was born in Vicenza in 1969.

He graduated in piano and in jazz music with Maestro Franco D'Andrea; he took an academic degree which qualifies him to teach instrumental music.
In Siena, at Siena Jazz Institution, he qualified professional "Contemporary Music Interpreter" in a musical contest promoted by the European Union and Tuscany Region.

He attended jazz courses and seminars held by: Marcello Tonolo, Luigi Bonafede, Paolo Birro, Lee Konitz, Stefano Battaglia, Franco D'Andrea, John Taylor.
Since 1990, Maestro Carta has been a pianist, composer and arranger in an Italian/Slovenian band called "Devil Doll"; he has recorded many CDs which have been obtaining great success in different countries in the world.

In 1994 Maestro Carta qualified among the three finalists in the "Summertime in Jazz" in Prato with his own "Experimental Quartet ".

In 1998 he was among the finalists of a national prize for young, up-and-coming jazz musicians called "Premio Nazionale Massimo Urbani" in Urbisaglia (Macerata).
In the same year, he came third playing a Piano Solo at the "Primo Jazz Cafè Festival" in Roveleto di Cadeo (Piacenza).

In Trento, in 2000, he performed with the Big Band for the festival "Itinerari Jazz " directed by the American composer and arranger Maria Schneider.
Francesco Carta performed also with: Roberto Dani, David Boato, Saverio Tasca, Mauro Beggio, Lorenzo Conte, Michele and Lorenzo Calgaro, Chicca Andriollo, Angelo Liziero, Oreste Soldano, Moreno Castagna, Ettore Martin, Renzo De Rossi, Beppe Calamosca, Beppe Pilotto, Michele Polga, Gianluca Carollo, Roberto Caon, Renato Peppoloni, Enzo Carpentieri, Toni Moretti, Franco Dal Monego, Antonio Carraro, Gianni Fassetta, "Blue Bop", "Jazz Land Big Band", "Orchestra and Choir Città di Vicenza".

He has been holding about 300 concerts in jazz-clubs, theatres, musical shows and festivals as: "New Conversations-Vicenza Jazz"; "Itinerari Jazz" (Trento); "Società del Quartetto" in Vicenza; "Selvazzano in Jazz" (Veneto Jazz); "Villa Celimontana" (Roma); "Pavone Open Jazz Festival" (Ivrea); "I martedì al Conservatorio" (Vicenza); "Mantova musica festival".

In June 2005, Maestro Carta recorded thirteen personal compositions in a CD for piano solo playing a piano Grancoda Fazioli. The film director Fabio Baccelliere chose two pieces from his CD for the sound track of the short film "Dove ci porta la corrente".

For the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, he analyzed the musical transcriptions of the sound tracks composed by the American musician Bernard Herrmann later collected in a book.

He also wrote a monographic essay about the life and the detailed artistic production of the great jazz pianist Franco D'Andrea, published by "Fondazione Siena Jazz". This essay contains the first complete discography of the outstanding musician.

Maestro Carta worked with Michele Francesconi on the transcriptions of 50 original compositions collected in the "Song-Book" by the pianist and composer Enrico Pieranunzi.

He wrote didactic lecture notes and essays about jazz music as: "La poliritmia nella musica jazz" about the analysis of the works by L. Tristano, C. Parker, T. Monk, H. Hancock; and "Scale, modi e voicing per i pianisti jazz".

Maestro Carta is a qualified piano teacher who teaches in public schools.

Contacts and Information:
Francesco Carta
web: www.francescocarta.it

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Last Modified Date: 22/02/2010

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