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Corrado Abbate
piano, composition

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Originally trained as a classical pianist, Corrado Abbate quickly turned to jazz, soon demonstrating a distinct aptitude for composition and arrangement. He has always loved leading small combos, playing mainly his own compositions, together with exciting jazz renditions of numbers from various musical styles.

During the Eighties he led a number of groups highly active on the Torinese scene ("Arsis", "Modal Jazz Quintet", "Sharp Eleventh"), playing everything from hard bop to modal, from fusion to free-funk. Many talented young musicians, now well-known professional players, like Luigi Tessarollo, Marco Tardito, Roberto Regis, Davide Graziano and others, emerged from these groups. In the same period he played with musicians as Massimo Urbani, Gianni Basso, Franco Mondini, Alfredo Ponissi, Luciano Bertolotti and many others.

In 1991 he formed his own quartet with Fulvio Albano (tenor and soprano sax), Claudio Nicola (double bass) and Raffaele Fontana (drums); in 1993 this formation recorded a CD entitled "Brecce" (Pentaflowers) and stayed together for the whole of 1994, playing numerous concerts in Italy and taking part in important jazz festivals.

In 1995 he founded "Primitivo", a group that was to become the most important acid-jazz band in the Turin area; in 1996 this group, including saxophonist Danilo Pala, the Cuban trumpeter Amik Guerra and the Argentinean percussionist Luis Casih, together with Nicola and Fontana, recorded a CD entitled "Speed Jazz" (Tielines), from which followed an intense series of concerts lasting throughout 1998, with participation in numerous international festivals (Ivrea Eurojazz Festival, Turin JVC Jazz Festival, Bordighera Jazz and Blues, Catanzaro Jazz Fest, to name but a few). In this period Abbate played also with musicians such as Claudio and Fulvio Chiara, Enzo Zirilli, Nicola Muresu, Alessandro Minetto and many others.

Year 2003 saw the realisation of "Jazzcom Project", a band that includes, as well as its leader, Danilo Pala (altosax), Gigi Di Gregorio (tenorsax), Roberto Giolito (double bass) and Carlo Bernardinello (drums), whose aim is to offer quality contemporary jazz which is more easily accessible to a non-specialist audience. In 2005 "Jazzcom" recorded a CD entitled "Stultifera Navis" (SFR), receiving flattering acclaim from critics and audiences and taking part in important jazz festivals ("Due Laghi Jazz Festival" in Avigliana, "Quarna Jazz Festival", "Ovada InContemporanea", "Moncalieri Jazz Festival"). In 2006 the bassist Fabio De March became a member of the group. "Jazzcom" is about to release a new CD including the last original compositions.

In 2006 Abbate created a new group called "Multiverse Jazz Quartet", including Gigi Di Gregorio (tenor and soprano sax), Piero Cresto-dina (double bass) and Marco Puxeddu (drums), with a repertoire of original compositions by all the members and interpretations of modal jazz themes by Davis, Shorter, Hancock, Tyner, Henderson, Wheeler and others.

In november 2006 Abbate took part with Jazzcom's members in "Mallets, brushes and more", italian tour of Mike Mainieri (american vibes player, founder and leader of "Steps Ahead"), playing with him, together with musicians as Claudio Allifranchini, Luigi Tognoli and others).

In 2007 Abbate took part to bassist Fabio De March's project called "Leggero in Jazz", together with Gigi Di Gregorio, Carlo Bernardinello and the vocalist Lilly Gregori. With original arrangements by De March, the group proposes some of the great pop themes, revisited in jazz.

In 2008 Abbate with his "Multiverse Jazz Quartet" recorded a CD entitled "Un'ombra in cammino" (Philology), that includes 8 original tunes by all the members of the group.

Corrado Abbate has taken on several projects in the theatrical field, composing music for the staging of works by Arrabal, Topor, Jodorowskij, de Ghelderode, Allen and other artists.

Discography quoted:
Brecce - "Quartetto A.N.F.A." - Pentaflowers 1993
Speed Jazz - "Primitivo" - Tielines 1997
Stultifera navis - "Jazzcom Project" - SFR 2005
Un'ombra in cammino - "Multiverse Jazz Quartet" - Philology 2008

"Tutti i componenti di questo quartetto esprimono anche in qualità di autori il paesaggio sonoro entro il quale hanno tracciato i loro itinerari musicali, un paesaggio fatto di ascolti quotidiani, di conoscenze, di predilezioni sedimentate nel tempo… Queste diverse radici hanno il loro punto di convergenza nella comune ricerca di una dimensione di spontaneità improvvisativa… Ed è la condivisione di questo spazio – dove il successo non è mai garantito a priori e richiede in ogni caso l'esposizione di ciascuno – a rendere possibile ciò che in mancanza di espressioni più adeguate vorremmo definire «comunicazione musicale».". (Paolo Piangiarelli)

Multiverse Jazz Quartet
Un'ombra in cammino
W 393.2 – 2008
IRD Distribution

1. Come vinti dal sonno (Piero Cresto-Dina) 5.06
2. Niente per caso (Corrado Abbate) 6.19
3. This is for Jerry (Gigi Di Gregorio) 6.19
4. Noi tre (Gigi Di Gregorio) 7.02
5. Nemesi (Corrado Abbate) 5.59
6. Tango a tre (Marco Puxeddu) 4.48
7. Un'ombra in cammino (Piero Cresto-Dina) 9.16
8. Piccolo campo (Piero Cresto-Dina) 6.39

Gigi Di Gregorio - sax tenore
Corrado Abbate - piano
Piero Cresto-dina - contrabbasso
Marco Puxeddu - batteria


"Accade che il folle venga affidato a un battelliere... non si sa dove approderà né, sbarcando, da dove provenga... egli non ha verità né patria... è il Passeggero per eccellenza... il Prigioniero del Passaggio". (Michel Foucault)


Stultifera navis
Studiottanta Fortuna Records
SFRC - CD018 – 2005
EGEA Distribution

1. Stultifera navis (Corrado Abbate) 02.07
2. Prisoners of crossing (Corrado Abbate) 09.16
3. Les mots et les choses (Corrado Abbate) 06.50
4. Options (Corrado Abbate) 04.54
5. Dirty dance (Corrado Abbate) 07.18
6. These foolish themes (Corrado Abbate) 08.09
7. Remote access (Corrado Abbate) 04.50
8. Dreaming in the sky (Carlo Bernardinello) 06.17
9. Gymnopédie n. 3 (Erik Satie) 04.19
10. Katharsis (Corrado Abbate) 05.43
11. The last flight of Pegasus (Corrado Abbate) 06.33

Danilo Pala - sax contralto
Gigi Di Gregorio - sax tenore
Corrado Abbate - piano
Roberto Giolito - contrabbasso e basso elettrico
Carlo Bernardinello - batteria


Jazzcom Project
Danilo Pala, alto and tenor saxes
Luigi Di Gregorio, tenor and soprano saxes
Corrado Abbate, piano
Roberto Giolito, double bass and electric bass
Carlo Bernardinello, drums

Jazzcom draws unreservedly and "transversally" on the various forms of contemporary jazz, relying on the quality of the subject material, the versatility of the soloists and the communicative impact of the arrangements: the aim of which is to offer quality contemporary jazz which is more easily accessible to a non-specialist audience. Most of the repertoire consists of original compositions by Corrado Abbate, with contributions by group members and rare but exciting new interpretations of some of the great musical themes.

Multiverse Jazz Quartet
Gigi Di Gregorio, sax tenore e soprano
Corrado Abbate, Pianoforte
Piero Cresto-dina, contrabbasso
Marco Puxeddu, batteria

Four musicians "all square", with intense musicality and expressive freedom, at one's ease between "originals" and modal jazz themes by Davis, Shorter, Hancock, Tyner, Henderson, Wheeler and others.

Leggero in Jazz
Lilly Gregori, voce
Gigi Di Gregorio, sax tenore e soprano
Corrado Abbate, Pianoforte
Fabio De March, contrabbasso e basso elettrico
Carlo Bernardinello, drums

With original arrangements by De March, the group proposes some of the great pop themes, revisited in jazz.

Contacts and Information:
Corrado Abbate
via Boucheron, 14
10122 Torino - Italy
mail: corrado.abbate(at)fastwebnet.it
myspace: www.myspace.com/corradoabbate
web: www.jazzcom.it


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Last Modified Date: 12/09/2009

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