Jazzitalia - Artisti: Carlo Uboldi
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Carlo Uboldi

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Born in Como in the 1996 (but of italy-swiss nazionality), Carlo Uboldi begin studying music at 6 years, thanks to a keen-family on music.

In 1983 and 1984 he partecipates to the different festivals of the jazz in Como. Infact he points out his swing-phrasing and since then he starts his professional carreer,playing with different and various swing and be-bop groups in Italy and abroad.

At the same time he teaches in the different schools in Milan and Como (Italy).

In the meantime he continue studying with the teacher "Ettore Righello.

con Fritz HartscuhIn 1992 he works with the Fritz Hartschuh's quintet (together with the Paolo Tomelleri) in Germany, with whom he takes part in the Cruise "Jazz at the Sea" with the name-groupe "swinging Italy", during which Carlo Uboldi has the opportunity to play with the best American-musicians.

In swiss he knows some of the best and important local-musicians (Oliviero Giovannoni and Danilo Moccia), with whom he plays again in various formation now.

For 1996 (till to-day) he has been taking part in the Gianni Coscia's quartet "A Kramer piaceva cosi"(together with the musicians such as Luciano Milanese e Ellade Bandini) and for 2000 he has been working with the quintet of the actress-singer Elisabetta De Palo (with the project "omaggio a Natalino Otto" who, together also with the musician Marco Ratti. They have recorded CD and till to-day plays in different theatres and festivals in Italy.

con Gianni CosciaToday he works such as "free lance" in various and different jazz-groups and he is the leader, with Marco Castiglioni, of the sextet "DUDECOM " (with musicians such as Emilio Soana, Francesco Licitra, Stefano Dall'Ora, Marco Bianchi), with whom he performs his own swing/be-pop compositions.

However, the Trio (together with the musician such as Dall'Ora (bass), e Castiglioni-(drums) is the best and test formation of Uboldi. This Trio is full of swing and they own (among the three of them) an ritmic – harmonic agreement that only little groups can boast of this characteristic.

con Clark terryFor an year he has been working with Luca Calabrese with whom interacts in a "duo" that presents standard and original-pieces.

In his career he has worked also with Rudy Migliardi, Bruno de Filippi, Hengel Gualdi, Glauco Masetti, Stefano Bagnoli, and played also at the "New Orleans festival of Ascona (ch); jazz-festival of Sori in Italy; Conservatorium G.Verdi of Milan; B.Goodman story of Bergamo (Italy); "quelli che il jazz" of Milan; jazz club of Lucerna (ch), Rheinfelden(ch),Emmenbrucke(ch),Bulach(ch);conservatorium of Zagabria (J); jazzhaus of Freiburg(D); jazztone of Lorrach(ch);cafe cult, jazz keller e Alte Oper di Francoforte/Frankfurt (D); Rive jazzy IF Nyon (ch); rathaussaal of Karlstadt (D).

Today Carlo Uboldi is esteemed as one of the best pianist o and he is also the nearest at the "Peterson-style". Contrarily to the other imitator-instrumentalists, he succeeds to propose himself with a particolar fantasy and volcanic-sensibility with traditional-passages and sometime with a refined phrasing with points of the vanguard.

con Red HollowayDISCOGRAPHY:
: "MISTER CLARINET"- P.Tomelleri (LP ariston / CD m.a.p.)
1991: "MY MEMORIES"- S.Bagnoli (european music)
1991: "IN CONCERT"- P.Tomelleri (P.T.production)
1991: "FOGGY CITY DIXIE BAND & FRIENDS" (belmusic)
1992: "MILAN SWING"- P.Tomelleri / F.Hartschuh (bellaphon-germany)
1992: "RE-BIRTH OF SWING"- P.Tomelleri/F.Hartschuh (gigolone prod.)
1992: "RED BARON'S 4tet"- A.Guareschi (gigolone prod.)
1993: "B.LONGHI / C.BAGNOLI 5tet" (b.l.)
1996: "FROM DUO TO BIG BAND"- P.Tomelleri (saar-giants of jazz)
1997: "A KRAMER PIACEVA COSI"-G.Coscia (gold event)
1999: "UNFORGETTABLE"- P.Tomelleri (saar-giants of jazz)
2001 : "LULLABY OF BIRDLAND"- E.de Palo (m.a.p.)
2003: "DUDECOM" - C.Uboldi (music center)

Audio Samples:
Bye Bye Baby
In un palco della Scala
Broadway Blues 1
Broadway Blues 2
There is no greater love
Les poissons de la Guadaloupe

Contacts and information:
Carlo Uboldi
E-Mail: cuboldi@gmail.com

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Last Modified Date: 29/03/2020

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