Jazzitalia - Press News: Cremona increasingly recognized as the international capital of music. Cremona Pianoforte, the only exhibition exclusively dedicated to the piano.
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News n. 3746 date: 09/07/2011 >> tutte le news...

Cremona increasingly recognized as the international capital of music. Cremona Pianoforte, the only exhibition exclusively dedicated to the piano.

The Exhibition will be celebrated in conjunction with Mondomusica (September 30 – October 2, 2011) and it will take place in a dedicated hall in order to promote musical instruments at best.

Cremona presents not only the world's finest violin-making but strenghtens its international role as the capital of music with a new event added to the already rich calendar of CremonaFiere. An exhibition exclusively dedicated to the piano which has been created by CremonaFiere to meet the specific needs of the sector: it is, actually, the first exhibition of this kind in which the piano plays the leading role.
We are talking about a fascinating instrument with a huge market potential: just think about the thousands of professional musicians, amateurs, theatres, music schools and concert halls...the piano is certainly one of the world's most widespread musical instruments which today has found a new point of reference, the city of Cremona.
Cremona Pianoforte will present the best international piano makers and it will take place at Cremona Fairgrounds - Hall 1. The decision to dedicate an entire hall to the new exhibition was taken to promote instruments at best, even from a logistic viewpoint.
Cremona Pianoforte, as well as Mondomusica, will present a programme of very important side events: meetings with famous musicians to discuss about the future of the music profession, international conference on music teaching, technical conference on the integration of acoustic and digital music, the Spazio Ludopiano to incline children towards the instrument, international seminar of piano tuners and technicians and much more!
Cremona Pianoforte is a new project which has immediately received the help and appreciation of field's major representatives. As a matter of fact, the exhibition can rely on the prestigious partnership with AIARP (Italian Association of Piano Tuners and Repairers) and the cooperation with the Ministry of Education, which officially recognized Mondomusica as a place of education and artistic training.

CremonaFiere S.p.A.
P.zza Zelioli Lanzini, 1 - 26100 Cremona, Italy
Tel.: +39.0372.598011 - Fax: +39.0372.598222
E-mail: info@cremonapianoforte.it

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