Jazzitalia - Artists: Alex Barberis
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Alex Barberis
drums, percussions

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It draws near to the study of the drums taking private lessons with the teacher Mario Paliano and Gianni Di Renzo to the 16 year-old age. It continues the studies near the Center of percussions "Timba" with the teachers Alberto Danna, Peppe Gianpietro and Horacio 'el Negro' Hernandez.

1992 It begins the activity with some groups of the capital and it participates in the recording of the CD of the Cocoas Meravigliao "Tengo Miedo"; it collaborates with the singer songwriter Stefano Sabelli with which she takes part to the transmission "Caro Totò ti presento" conducted by Renzo Arbore for Raiuno; it contemporarily collaborates with the singer dance Moses.

1993 it enters to belong to the group world music Maximum Available Gain headed by the guitarist composer Max Alviti.

1994 it collaborates in study with the American musician Buddy Miles and Alex Britti.

1995 it plays with the Group Fusion of the capital Symposium.

1998 it collaborates in study with the group Hip Hop it Traces Mixed; it plays with the pianist composer Umberto Sangiovanni for the international review of new age "Her Other Music" to Orta S.Giulio (Piedmont); it realizes his first CD of world music "Awakenings."

1999 It engraves a cd containing passages of music improvised by the title "Colors" which is used in the theatrical representation of the "Medea" for the regal one of Antonella Perconte, near the theater "D'oggi" of Rome.

2000 it finishes her last job from the title "Sounds Lands."

2001 it collaborates for singer Julie P.'s musical project

2002 it collaborates with the guitarist Max Alviti in the realization of passages of sound-track for the transmission "Linea Blue" (Raiuno), and with saxophonist Alessandro Papotto collaboration they realize a project live.

2003 it participates as drummer and percussionist to the recordings of the last record job "From Bilbao To Bombay" of the guitarist/composer Edoardo Bignozzi for the Spanish record label "Phorminx."

2004 It plays to the Theater "Don Orione" of Rome with the group "The tree of May" for the practice and the diffusion of the belonging popular dances to various cultures.

In the Circus of Liana Orfei participates as percussionist in the quartet of percussions Mediterranean.

Currently it continues his/her musical activity in the composition of passages for the project live of the group Mediterra (from him founded) with the collaboration of: Mauro Tavernelli (guitarist), Piero Ranucci (double bass), Renato Vecchio (saxophonist), Flower Benign (accordionist), Tiziano Carfora (percussionist), Umberto Papadia and Francesca Raschellà (vocals).

In the arrangement of her compositions it uses Virtual Drums Roland TD-8, TD-10 and TD-20.

It privately teaches near the schools of music "MMB Studios" of Rome, proposing one method of his of specific study on the control and on the interpretation.


Alex Barberis:
composition, arrangments, execution and sound elaboration
Giuseppe Candido:
electric guitar
Alessandro Tomei:
Soprano sax
Lxshmam Kalè Pepireghe:
Rita Malizia:
Sandro Falbo:

Real Audio   MP3 (1MB)
Uduworld  Real Audio
Khanti (Patience) Real Audio  MP3 (1.1MB)

Sounds Lands

Alex Barberis:
acoustic drums, Virtual Drums (Roland), acoustic ed electronic percussionis, synthesizers and voice
Cristina Fabarro:
transverse and sweet flute
Luca Venitucci:
Alessandro Tomei:
Soprano sax
Valentina Di Silvestro:
classical guitar
Massimiliano Pischedda:
double bass and fretless bass
Massimo Ventricini:
aoucstic percussions
Rita Malizia:
Alessandro Bagagli:
Bass drum and Eardrum - V. Drums
Sandro Falbo:
Paolo Macinanti:
Pino Pecorelli:
double bass

Love to my people 
Real Audio  MP3 (1MB)

Sounds Lands  Real Audio  MP3 (0.8MB)
New Traditions  Real Audio  MP3 (0.8MB)

Alessandro Tomei: Soprano and alto sax
Emilio Merone:
Piano, keyboards
Emiliano Cappelli:
5 strings bass
Mauro Tavernelli:
acoustic guitar, Bouzouki

Masked Tango
(MP3 1.7MB)
First Travel (MP3 1.7MB)


Alex Barberis:
Percussiondrums, acoustic percussions, electric percussions, ududrums and voice
Paolo Macinanti:

Real Audio  MP3 (1MB)

Three CDs (one of which double) for a debut. It is not logical, it is not rational.

Prudence would have recommended a more cautious approach, more smaliziatos. But music born from the EMOtions, in antithesis with rationality. His music derives from different experiences, and in different languages it is expressed. Doesn't surprise then the variety of these three "artist's tests", different among them but tied up together from the same ingredients of base. In common they have the roots, that sink from the Mediterranean, to the Indian subcontinent, there you find origin in the music of Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays and in that of Joe Zawinul, as much as in the bagpipes of south of Italy or in the African percussions.

"Awakenings" could be the sonorous column of the film of our life, done of high and low, of frantic moments and of breaks of reflection.

"Colors" is the trip of the dream, when the soul detaches from the body and vague in search of herself, improvising the present.

"Sounds Lands" it is the sun, the sea, that feeling of lacking happiness never of a pinch of melancholy that gives the conscience of the reality, as pleasant as can be.

The percussive element entirely remains (how can't this be real for an artist that is a drummer?), discreet but always present in conclusive way, so much apparently simple to be terribly difficult to get, so much determinant to be been the truth compositions sing.

So what to do of a music that is not able to sing or to dance?

You listens.

Michele Morabito - "romac'è"

For contacts and information:
Alex Barberis
Cell. +39 3491960832
phone +39 065295220
E-mail: alexbarberis@yahoo.it
web sites:
http://stage.vitaminic.it/alessandro_barberis/ - version in italian. Real Audio - mp3 samples.
http://www.musicando.it/barberis - version in italian.
http://www.octava.it/antiarte/alessandro_barberis.htm - version in italian.
http://www.musicistiditalia.net/ - version in italian. mp3 samples


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Data ultima modifica: 21/04/2007

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