Jazzitalia - Artisti: Carlo Losavio
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Carlo Losavio

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Carlo Losavio was born in Fasano (Br), Italy, on December 1974. He had first musical approach at tender age 5. This was due to his uncle who used to listen to blues and rock music whole day together with Carlo and his brothers, Angelo and Giuseppe. More the music entered the house more Carlo's artistic sensibility increased with a strong will to express himself with on instrument.

Carlo started playing self-tought guitar at age 14 listening to and playing with old vinyl records trying to emulate Blues Jazz and Rock music great, (M. Waters, B. B King, R. Jhonson, J. L. Hooker, J. Hendrix, S. R. Vaughan, S. Henderson, Al Di Meola, M. Stern, G. Benson, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai... Frank Zappa). He attended a Jazz music course held by teacher Tony Russo (excellent orchestra drummer at various, Italian R.A.I. broadcastings) Jazz armony leads him to a wide, curios musicality, mostly to improvvisation and creative instinct!

His first concert dates bach at age 16, with "Delirium Tremens" a Rock music line-up. Other musical experiences followed but as they increased Carlo Was inclined to think that his small town cold not offer much.

When he was 20 he moved at Guitar C.A.P.s.t a guitar school where all of his guitar teachers graduated at Musician Istitute in L. A. While studying new various musical idioms as Blues, Rock and Jazz, Carlo composes two tracks titled respectively Blues 2000 and Rebel part one, part two. He has currently written ten original composition. Composing for Carlo is as giving birth to his own existence.

Current side collaborations include various orchestras (Puglia) Italy, and different line-ups into Jazz, Rock, Blues and funk style. London is one of favoured goals and when possible he immediately flies there to express his music and share his artistic sensitivity.

Contacts and Information:
Carlo Losavio
30-31 Leinster Terrace - London - W2 3ET - UK
Via Morchiaturo n 15, 72015 Fasano (BR)
E-mail address: musicista74@yahoo.it
Web Site: www.carlolosavio.com

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Data ultima modifica: 07/01/2009

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