Jazzitalia - Artisti: Giulio Granati
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Giulio Granati

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He was born in Rome (Italy) on December 27th 1956. When he was 6 years old, he started studying piano. At the age of 16 years kept on studying the pop, rock and jazz music. His big versatility gave him the chance to live the music working in lots of different situations and ambiences.

During 80th he moved to Germany where he dedicated his self more to the jazz music, studying and working with different local musicians.
When he came back to Switzerland in 1983 he put together a lot of different kind of bands, from the fusion music to the jazz music.
To that period belong many bands like, Studio, Musaik and the little ìcombosî with musicians of the Italian scene. We can remember the trio with the guitar player Gigi Cifarelli and the double-bass player Paolo Dalla Porta. In the second half of 80's he published a record called Ad un amico with the Many Rhythms & Blues Band.

In those years he deepened the study of different instruments, with this new knowledge he had the possibility to develop what he liked the most: to compose and to arrange.

At the end of 80ths he had a stand by moment and he decided to go back to his European roots. From that moment starts his fruitful composition period. In that period came out the CD Cornici & Children's Songs (1989) and Alchimie (1991), both with the collaboration of the flute player Christian Gilardi.

Another period of stand by came. To this silence followed a return to the jazz music. In 1993 he created a trio with the drums player Ivano Torre and the double-bass player Marco Danese and in 1994 came out their first music work Across my universe.
In the same period he recorded the third work with Christian Gilardi: "Note di poesia" and a record ties to a television show called "Hotel Fortuna".

From the fusion of those two different situations born the band Musaik. With this band he participated to many reviews in France, Italy and Switzerland and he published also the CD "In town".

At the end of 1998 from a session of the trio with Luca Garlaschelli as bass player and Francesco D'Auria as drums player born the CD "Live at the Principe Leopoldo".

At the beginning of 1999 the drummer Silvano Borzacchiello replaces Francesco D'Auria. One year later Riccardo Fioravanti replaces Luca Garlaschelli for a new CD recorded at the studios of the Swiss Italian Radio on 22nd 23rd may 2000 and published in October by the label ALTRI SUONI with the title "My first pairs of glasses".

On February the 10th 2001 he records his first piano solo CD titled "Dreams" for the Italian label MAP.

On May 2002, as a quartet, he records for the label ALTRISUONI the CD "In The Mood", with Michael Rosen on Tenor and Soprano Saxophones, Stefano Dall'Ora on bass and Silvano Borzacchiello on drums, published in the spring 2003. On may 2004 came out the second CD of the band: "Live at Moods", recorded in Zurich.

Between the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005 he compose his first concert for jazz 4tett and orchestra and in the following months a suite for piano and orchestra entitled "Novecento".

Giulio Granati & Christian Gilardi- Cornici & Children's Songs - INNOWO IN 812/01
Giulio Granati & Christian Ghilardi - Alchimie - G&G 001
Giulio Granati & Christian Ghilardi - Note di Poesia - ALTRI SUONI AS 011
Giulio Granati Trio - Across my Universe - ALTRI SUONI AS 009
Giulio Granati Trio - Live at the Principe Leopoldo - ALTRI SUONI AS 029
Musaik - In Town
Giulio Granati Trio - My First Pair of glasses - ALTRI SUONI AS 072
Giulio Granati piano solo - Dreams - MAP LTCD 0121
Giulio Granati Quartet - In the Mood - ALTRISUONI AS119
Giulio Granati Quartet - Live at Moods

Contacts and information:
Giulio Granati
email: giuliogranati@ticino.com
web: http://www.giuliogranati.com

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Data ultima modifica: 13/02/2007

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