Peppe Consolmagno
voice & percussions
Peppe Consolmagno, born in Rimini in 1958, brought up in Italy, mainly plays instruments built on his own with materials which he collects during his travels, such as gourds, bamboo, wood and metal.
His music is played on instruments belonging to extra-european cultures, for example that of Brazil (his main inspiration), Africa and Asia which, nevertheless, share in common. The Burman gong, the Shell, the Meditation cups, the African pots, the Pygmies' one-note flutes, the Water gourds, the Berimbau together with his voice and a strong intimist relationship with them, create a unique dimension where natural sound, silence, timbre and rhythm predominate.
Consolmagno played at international festivals such as: "Umbria Jazz", "Festival International de Jazz" in Montreal-Canada, "Jazz o Brazil" in Paris, "Kunstamt Stegliz" in Berlin, "Drum 2000" percussion festival in Bologna, "Festival di Musica da Camera" in Tolentino, "Centro Studi Brasiliani C.E.B." in Rome, "World Music Festival" in Lanciano, "Percussion World and Sound PWS7" in Asti, RAI "Radiotre Suite", "Jaco Pastorius Music Festival" in Coriano, "5th World Music Festival" in Rome, "Musica dei Popoli" in Florence, and played at the festival "Sete Sóis, Sete Luas" in Portugal, "Percussionistica" World Rhythm Festival in Umbertide, Womad Festival, Fandango Jazz Festival in Roma, Festival I suoni delle Dolomiti, Festival Internazionale di Sousse (Tunisia), Festival Banlieues Bleues in Paris.
His activity in ethno-musicological research leads him to teach at seminars and workshops focusing on extra-european music and building of percussion instruments which, a.o., he builds for Nanà Vasconcelos , Cyro Baptista, Trilok Gurtu, Glen Velez, Flora Purim, Duduka da Fonseca and Paolo Vinaccia on their request.
Consolmagno also writes for italian specialized magazines such as "World Music", "Percussioni", "Strumenti Musicali", "Jazz", "DrumClub", "Il Manifesto", "Jazzitalia", "CiaoJazz", "CupaCupa", "Musicando" and others.
He was invited to Salvador-Bahia (Brazil) at "III e IV PercPan" (world percussion festival). Through his work as a journalist and his interviews to famous musicians, he intends to give a voice to the style and way of thinking which unites him to them.
He collaborated with other art forms (theatre, painting, sculpture, poetry, dance), structures (University, schools), and media (radio and TV: Rai, Canale 5, Video Music). He was among the winners of Arezzo Wave '95 festival. He was Sisma associate and he gives lectures as musical critic.
DISCOGRAPHY with Cajù Records Peppe Consolmagno: Peppe Consolmagno & Timbri dal Mondo Peppe Consolmagno - Antonio Marangolo: Kalungumachine Ishk Bashad: Ishk Bashad "Live at Womad 2001" Nana Vasconcelos, Antonello Salis, Peppe Consolmagno: Vasconcelos_Salis_Consolmagno
PROJECTS (click on the titles for details): - Peppe Consolmagno & Timbri dal mondo - VASCONCELOS, SALIS, CONSOLMAGNO new - Ishk Bashad - Grifeo & Consolmagno - Consolmagno & Marangolo - Marangolo Quintetto Orizzontale - Odwalla feat. Peppe Consolmagno e Lamine Sow
ITALIAN INTERVIEWS on Jazzitalia: "Peppe Consolmagno e la sua storia fatta di tamburi" Stefano Galvani - Drum Club 99/00 "Peppe Consolmagno: l'anima dello strumento" Andrea Braconi - La Prima (2000) "Peppe Consolmagno intervista Arto Tunçboyaciyan" Drum Club - ottobre 2000 "Intervista a Peppe Consolmagno" Claudia Belchior - settembre 2003 "Tra mistero e natura: i viaggi sonori di Peppe Consolmagno" Stefano Solventi - luglio 2005
Strada Serre, 7 61010 Tavullia (PU), Italy Tel/Fax: +39 0721.476230
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