Jazzitalia - Artists: Stefano Luigi Mangia
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Stefano Luigi Mangia

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Jazz singer graduated from "Nino Rota Conservatory of Monopoli" in the Jazz Music class of Gianni Lenoci and currently he is also studying saxophone. (aa 2007-2008: V year).

In 2006 he won a master in "Composition & Improvisation Jazz" that allowed him to study with the following musicians: Gianni Lenoci, Stefano Battaglia, Joelle Leandre, Carlos Zingaro, Franco Degrassi, Paolo Damiani, Eugenio Colombo, Markus Stockhausen.

He was invited to participate in the "Festival of contemporary music Urticanti 2007", performing in the presence of Toshio Hosokawa. More over he has played with great musicians of the Italian and intenational jazz scene, such as Gianni Lenoci, Maurizio Quintavalle, Marcello Magliocchi, Gaetano Partipilo, Bobby McFerrin, Karl Berger and Ingrid Sertso, Steve Potts, Markus Stockhausen, and Paolo Damiani (who conducted the "Improviser Hocus Pocus Orchestra" which performed a composition of the same Stefano Luigi Mangia).

As part of his studies and research, the jazz singer Stefano Luigi Mangia has deepened the study on Mongolian singing with Tran Quang Hai; he has explored the techniques of Pakistan and Northern Indian traditional singing with Faheem Mazhar.

From a vocal point of view, he is currently interested in research of extra-European vocality and "impossible feasibility" (J. Cage); the composition of unconventional contemporary music. At the same time, he is no less dedicated about perfecting his traditional vocality and applying its complex nuances in the performances of songs.

2009: Stefano Luigi Mangia feat.  Gianni Lenoci Painting on Wood Pittura su Legno (Leo Records)

Contacts and Information:
Stefano Luigi Mangia
email: mangia_stefano@libero.it

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Last Modified Date: 16/07/2009

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