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Sergio Chiricosta

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He was born in province of Torino on August 10th 1975. He began to play at the age of 8 and at 15 since the meeting with Giovanni Capriuolo he has developed a daily devotion to music. Graduated in trombone at Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi of Torino. Winner of a scholarship at Siena Jazz for "the course of highly specialization in jazz". He attended: in Aosta "the course for music specialization!" by Scuola Superiore Musicale of Aosta Valley, in Lanciano "The International Seminar of Orchestral Formation", and also courses of specialization with internationally famous trombonist such as Roberto Rossi, Claude Chevalier, John Mosca, etc.

He started his career as professional at the age of 17 ranging from classical music to funk and jazz. A year later he finished second at International Festival of Barga Jazz. Since then he has many occasions of taking part to recordings and live concerts with internationally famous artists throughtout Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Belgium, Austria and France, playing in the most important theatres and festivals such as "Festival Jazz di Lucca", "Iseo Jazz Festival", "Valtellina Jazz Festival" of Sondrio, "8° Festival d'opéra Avenches 02" (CH), "Saluzzo Spring Festival", "Tiroler Festpiele Erl 2001" (A), "Fantadia, Festival Internazionale di multivisione" di Treviso, "Jazz Castello 2005 XII edizione"of Potenza, "Festival de musique sacrée" a Monaco, etc

Active also as composer and arranger, some of his compositions were taken into consideration by Warner Chappel and are now part of compilation of music played in the Ermenegildo Zegna stores.

At the present day he collaborates as side man with many formations of musicians in the fields of jazz, classical music and opera. Furthermore he performes as leader playing his own compositions and arrangements with trio, quartet, quintet and big band such as Filarmonica Jazz band of which he's conductor and arranger.

Among Chiricosta's most important collaborations are worth of being mentioned those with: Enrico Intra, Giorgio Gaslini, Enrico Rava, Franco Cerri, Bobby Watson, Max Roach, Bob Brookmayer, Enrico Pieranunzi, Markus Stochausen, Giuseppe Vessicchio, Giovanni Tommaso, Tullio De Piscopo, Stjepko "Steve" Gut, Synphonic Orchestra of San Remo etc.

Contacts and information:
Sergio Chiricosta
email: sergiochiricosta@libero.it
web: www.chiricosta.it

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Last Modified Date: 21/10/2006

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