Roberto Andreucci
piano, organ
I'M A PIANIST, a pianofortista is actually how I like to define myself.
At 8 years old, my hands found their home on the piano. I have always been curious
in the exploration of: SOUNDS, NOISES, RHYTHMS, MELODIES and everything that this
wonderful instrument, acoustic or electric, with its black and white keys has to
offer me. During the years I have played and continue to play lots of music with
many musicians.
love all the music I've played because I have always played only the music that
I love. I have made many personal sacrifices throughout the years to continue to
make a living with music, because I feel that music is inside of me and will continue
to be to the end of my days. Excluding tecno and house music, Irish music and country,
I am more or less in love with all kinds of music, my preferences being jazz, blues,
funk, classical chamber music, reggae, dub, electronics, lounge, hip hop, rhythm'n
blues, rap and many other genres of music that currently escape my mind.
The instrument I'm currently playing, is more conducive to my nature and really
a part of my skin - The Fender Rhodes electric piano. It probably has always been,
but it took some time for me to discover this, although I do admit that I certainly
don't disdain playing the acoustic piano, organ and some vintage keyboard sounds
in particular. In 1998, I decided to create
my own record label (few notes record) and started to self-produce artistically
and executively MY music, because I'm absolutely convinced that ideas, notes and
fingers should always remain free (if I listened more to my instinct I would release
a cd every 3-4 months, because I write a lot of music of various kinds). I love
good food, animals, nature (especially the forest), the mountains more than the
sea, tuscan cigars, guinness beer, tortelli from the area of Mugello and anyone
who makes me laugh. My music is influenced by: every sound, color, person, animal,
travel, thought, word, food and who knows how many other things and experiences
I have yet to see, learn and dream. I make a living playing jazz, almost every night
of the week in various Florentine restaurants. I like to think that the people (especially
foreigners) who have dinner while listening to me perform take away with them a
piece of me and my music in which I have poured my heart and my soul.
Contacts and Information
Roberto Andreucci
Via del Casone 2b, 50124 Firenze - Italia
Tel +39 055 225315
cell +39 334 6147450
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Last Modified Date: 23/01/2011