Richard Maggioni
Born in Rovereto in 1981, starts playing the piano from a young age.
In the year 2000 he moves to England
and attends a year at Leeds University on the "Popular Music" course. Soon after
he enters the Jazz course at Middlesex University where he graduates with an
honours degree. In those years he has the opportunity to study with Nikki Iles, Gareth Williams, Chris Batchelor, Pete Churchill, Stuart Hall. He attends workshops with
Stan Sulzman and John Taylor.
Now he's mooved back to Italy where he teaches at C.D.M. His main influence is Bill Evans although now he is more orientated towards the upgrowing scandinavian scene (Esbjorn Svensson Trio, Arild Andersen, Thord Gustavsen).
Audio Files:
The Orchard (P.Churchill)
Infant Eyes (W.Shorter)
Piano Trio with Giordano Grossi on bass and Armando Marcon
on Drums
Piano Trio with Matteo Giordani on drums & Manuel Moretti
on bass
Duo piano/tenor sax with Marco Pisano
F.R.E. Jazz Trio Ernesto Gargiulo on clarinett & Fabrizio
Gaudino on guitar
Contacts and Information:
Richard Maggioni
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Publishing Date: 23/03/2005