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Paolo Volante

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Was born in 1964 in Turin, begins studying classical piano in 1970 under guidance of M° Luigi Schiapparelli and later on studies jazz piano under guidance of Aldo Rindone and Palmino Pia.

In 1987 founds the New Orleans jazz group, La Lippa Jazz Band. In 1993 founds l'Hot Club, swing group which accompanies the vocalist Lil Darling in the great majority of her concerts.

In 2002 begins the teamwork with genovese singer Erika Celesti, founding the Erika Celesti Quartet.

Composer of light and classical music, he was numbered with classical emergent composers by international association The Classical Music Archives:

On the base of one of his main works ("Frammenti in Poesia") was invented a theatrical show made up of music, dance and poetry, "Cammino" with lyrical poems written by Patrizia Brai and the choreographies of Elena Delmastro and Alessandra Bentley.

Recently he composed and performed live the sound track of staging of "Piccola Città" written by Thornton Wilder, staged by theatrical company Vittorio Alfieri. As producer he gave birth to the review "All That Swing", which is present on playbill of Teatro Regio in Turin for 10 years.

"Scrokking...", Lippa Jazz Band, Boucheen Records © 1995.
"Bargain Day", Lil Darling Hot Club, Boucheen Records © 1995.
"Livery Stable Blues", Lippa Jazz Band, La Citta' del Jazz © 1997
"All That Swing", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 1997
"Live at the Regio", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 1999.
"L.O.V.E.", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 2001.
"Frammenti in Poesia", MP3.com Inc. 2002.
"The Journey", MP3.com. 2002.
"Unforgettable Ella", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 2005

Contacts and Information:
Paolo Volante
email: paolo.volante@cittadeljazz.com

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Last Modified Date: 09/08/2006

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