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Paola Repele

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Singer, back vocalist and composer. Born and raised in Italy.

Studies: Opera & Jazz singing in Milan with Ezia Rolfini, and seminars with the Berklee College of Music teachers staff, in Umbria Jazz.

Countless recording credits includes, Alejandro Sanz "3" and Alejandro Sanz "MAS" both selling more than 40 million copies in America and Europe. Winning 3 grammy awards.

As a soloist and back vocalist toured Italy, Spain, Japan, Germany, France, Swizzerland, Holand, Turkey, Grece, Rusia, USA, and Mexico. Credits include James Brown, Gloria Gaynor, Celentano, Jovanotti, Milva, to name a few, giving to the audience all her music gift.

On 1997 she was choosed by Walt Disney for the italian version cartoon HERCULES, singing one of the muses part, winning the Disney's world dubbing 1st place.

On 2001 became the new back vocalist for the Eros Ramazzotti's World Tour, recording also a DVD (on sale) doing a duet, with the famous song "Piu che puoi".

Jazz collaborations: Alex Acuna, Abraham Laboriel, Diego Amador, Otmaro Ruiz, John Pena, Israel Varela, Jorge Villanueva, Riccardo Fioravanti, Marco Bianchi to name a few.

Also as a soloist she has one CD. Released in 1998, produced by Anthony Zawinul in Los Angeles Ca.(legendary Joe Zawinul's son).

Nowadays she lives between Italy and USA, working with her new projects, the Paola Repele Trio, with Israel Varela (drums), and Roberto Tauffic (acousitc guitar). And the Paola Repele Unplugged Quartet, with Alfredo Paixao (bass), Roberto Tauffic (guitar), Israel Varela (drums).

with the "TIJUANA BAND" in MEXICO.
Pola, Diego Amador, Jorge Villanueva, Abe Laboriel, Israel Varela and Alex Acuna.

Contacts and Information:
Paola Repele
web: www.webalice.it/paolarepele
email: paolarepele8@hotmail.com
audio files: http://www.myspace.com/paolarepele

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Last Modified Date: 09/09/2006

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