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Marco Santilli
clarinet, bass clarinet, compositions

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Marco Santilli is a clarinetist and a passionate composer for clarinet music combining composition and improvisation, jazz and chamber music. Among his recent published albums is „Godiva soleva", performed with the internationally known pianist Paolo Alderighi. The album reveals Santilli's diverse musical influences as well as "his rich and liquid tone with the darkness of a classically trained clarinetist and the flexibility of a jazz musician." (The Clarinet) Marco was brought up in Ticino, the Italian part of Switzerland and educated at the Conservatory of Zurich (orchestral performance and teaching diploma) and Lausanne (soloist diploma with "Premier prix de virtuosité"). He performed in orchestras such as the Zurich Opera, Tonhalle Zurich, in ensembles playing at the Salzburger Festspiele, appeared as soloist with Bigbands, clarinet choirs and played in numerous jazz gigs. His interest in world, jazz and popular music have prompted him to devote more time in writing and performing his own music.

Published CD's:

Santilli Alderighi „Godiva soleva"
MONS Records (2012)

„Belli in zona", G. Muto e M. Santilli

„...anyone interested in either chamber music or jazz should experience what this album has to offer. Every element - the compositions, the performance, and the descriptive text - is exquisitely crafted, and the result is a true masterpiece." (The Clarinet)

„...Es ist ein hellwaches Abtasten der beiden Musiker, das zwischen schwelgerischem Sentiment und humoriger Verschmitztheit pendelt..." (Jazzthing)

„Würde Santilli Lieder schreiben, wären sie voller Poesie und sinnlicher Bilder. (...) Unsere Fantasie bebildert die Musik wie von selbst, und schon stecken wir mittendrin und sind Protagonist in unserem eigenen inneren Film." (Concerto Magazin)

„...Un cd di altissimo livello - ha ottenuto cinque note nella recensione della rivista specializzata Jazz'n'More." (Rivista di Lugano)

„...Ohne Pathos, mit viel Leichtigkeit und eleganter Virtuosität, die 13 Stücke auf der Debüt-CD „Godiva soleva" sind poetische Klanginseln auf die man sich gerne, nur zu gerne begibt." (Radio DRS2)

„...Santilli e Muto sono anfibi.
Polistrumentisti, passano con tecnica sopraffina dagli „effetti" della musica del secondo ‚900 alla musica popolare senza subire scadimenti tecnici e di gusto. Bravissimi."
(Gianluigi Trovesi, Nembro, ottobre 2006)

„...Amidst the constant barrage of sound, information, images, etc., in our 21st Century, it is unbelievably refreshing to come across something different, a "ray of light" through the murk. This CD by Giordano Muto and Marco Santilli is one of the most beautiful examples of pure music I‘ve heard in a long time - uncategorizable in the best sense! Listening to them, I hear melodies, mysteries, great improvisation, astounding interplay, and a soundtrack to a Fellini film that he forgot to make! In short, I loved it, and I can‘t wait for the follow-up (I hope they ask me to join them for a tune or two)! Enjoy!"
(Ken Peplowski, NYC, September 2006)

While it would be accurate to describe Santilli Alderighi's debut album as „chamber jazz", this label does little justice to the richness of the music it offers. Marco Santilli's compositional style consciously draws on the expressive form of both classical music and jazz, but it is with an almost instinctual stylistic assuredness that he creates an ideal framework for bringing the colourful sonic spectrum of his clarinet and bass clarinet to light while providing ample room for Paolo Alderighi's virtuosity on the piano.

Titles such as "Il tanghero va all'immusonita sciorinando lusinghe" ("A scoundrel heaps flattery on a lady with a sulky face") should be savoured; only then can you allow yourself to be caught up in the poetry of the music...

„Godiva Soleva" is thirteen pieces of music, brilliantly performed with clarinet and piano, as well as thirteen atmospherically dense tales. They tell of the art of seduction, the purging of the superfluous, and of a musical bridge between immigrants to the Leventina valley and those who emigrated to Rio de la Plata. They speak of the alluring melancholy and joy in discovering beauty in the smallest of things.

„Godiva Soleva" is thirteen poetical pearls of chamber jazz, composed and played by Marco Santilli and Paolo Alderighi, two masters of their craft!

The duo ‘Belli in zona' pays honour to the Italian part of Switzerland by reviving its folk music and interpreting original compositions, inspired by their home canton. To move away from the stereotypical perceptions of Ticino, i.e. the land of gaiety and sunshine, Merlot being served in ‘boccalini' and dancing clogs, the two musicians strived to create a series of modern musical pictures, while still respecting the traditions. The repertoire contains characteristic pieces with different instruments which give their music a mixture of novel sounds. Elevated contemporary music, band like and chamber music as well as opera, jazz, pop and blues flow into their themes and influence one another. Because of this, the musical pieces can be performed anywhere - such as theaters, jazz clubs, concert halls as well as churches and squares. It's about the conception of the canton Ticino, seen through the eyes of two sons who emigrated to different speech areas, but who still preserve a bond with their homeland. ‘Belli in zona' scenarise unique pictures with their beautiful compositions.

Contacts and further information:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marco.santilli.9883
Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/marco-santilli-3
Email: info@marcosantilli.com
Website: www.marcosantilli.com

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Last Modified Date: 16/06/2013

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