Jazzitalia - Artists: Luca Sirianni
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Luca Sirianni

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Luca grew up in Calabria in the South of Italy, where he obtained his first guitar at the age of 11. Actually, it was his older sister's guitar - she bequeathed him the instrument, a book of chords and knowledge of the "C" turnaround. Within days, he had taught himself to play and hours of practice and dedication followed. Within three months, he was performing live for the first time with his little school band. The trajectory towards mature musicianship had begun.

Luca is entirely self-taught. Among sounds that influenced him along the way were the blues and rock playing of Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler and David Gilmour. In his mid-teens, Luca discovered Joe Pass, John Leslie "Wes" Montgomery, George Benson and Larry Carlton, which pointed him in a jazz direction. By the age of 16, Luca had left Calabria for Florence, where a thriving live music scene soon led to his discovery of Brazilian sounds and rhythms - a moment of revelation that has had a lasting influence upon all his subsequent work.

Now living, composing and performing in London, Luca is currently recording his second album.

Contacts and Information:
Luca Sirianni
email: info@lucasirianni.com
web: www.lucasirianni.com
Promoters and management: itmanagement@lucasirianni.com

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Data ultima modifica: 09/08/2008

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