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Luca Rigazio

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Was born in 1958. He begins studying drums in 1976. In 1985 attended classes of Jimmy Cobb at Umbria Jazz.

For several years he was the drummer of Jazz Studio Orchestra leaded by Gianni Grossi. He teamed up with Swing Quartet of Turin leaded by Dick Mazzanti and with the Ticinum Jazz Band of Pavia. Till 1997 he performed with torinese group of traditional jazz The Blue Messengers; with this group leaded by Pierpaolo Cerutti and Dick Mazzanti he played at several festivals: Ivrea, St. Raphael and San Marino; performed concerts in various Italian places.
He played with famous musicians who belong to classical jazz tradition particularly Italian: Glauco Masetti, Gianni Basso, Romano Mussolini, Henghel Gualdi, Oscar Klein, Carlo Sola, Franco Tolomei, Renato Gerbella.

Actually plays with torinese vocal group "Voci di Corridoio".

In 1994 began his teaming up with Lippa Jazz Band and in 1996 the teaming up with Lil Darling Hot Club.

Furthermore he executed and published the discography of the famous pianist Oscar Peterson.

"50 Anni di Jazz a Torino", aa.vv, track 5 e 12, Paragon © 1990.
"Up Front" Jazz Studio Orchestra - 1993 LP
The Blues Messengers - MC TBM1
"Scrokking...", Lippa Jazz Band, Boucheen Records © 1995.
"Livery Stable Blues", Lippa Jazz Band, La Citta' del Jazz © 1997.
"All That Swing", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 1997.
"Dal vivo!" Voci di Corridoio - CD A&A 017 - 1998
"Live at the Regio", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 1999.
"L.O.V.E.", Lil Darling Hot Club, La Citta' del Jazz © 2001
"Unforgettable Ella", La Città del Jazz - 2005.

Contacts and Information:
Luca Rigazio
email: luca.rigazio@cittadeljazz.com

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Last Modified Date: 10/08/2006

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