Jazzitalia - Artists: Leon Vulpitta Pantarei
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Leon Vulpitta Pantarei

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Leon Pantarei was born in Cosenza (Calabria, Italy). His origins however are from Sicily and Spain.
Leon is a multi-percussionist experienced in playing Mediterranean, Middle- and Far-East musical instruments, in a fascinating and very personal hand percussion set.
During his long career, he has been collaborating with many important musicians belonging both to popular music (Pino Daniele, Mango, Teresa De Sio, Mariella Nava) and jazz (Antonello Salis, Lutte Berg Ensemble, Paul M. Endless, Luca Pirozzi, M. Siniscalco, Joe Bowie, Luca Aquino, Liza Werkerk, Nanà Vasconcelos, Hakon Kornstad and others).

In the past, Leon was the leader of the Etnodub Pantarei. At present he leads the ethno jazz band named OMPARTY, winner of M.E.I. 2009 in the section "Suoni di Confine", with the project "L'ISOLA DELLA POMICE", published by Picanto/Egea.
He took part in the recording of more than 30 albums as soloist or sideman as yet.

His latest CD, the second with the band OMPARTY, is named "PETRAJANCA", released in 2011 by Picanto/Egea.
In the recent referendum JAZZIT AWARDS Leon was placed among the ten best Italian musicians in the category "Other Instruments" and first in the category of "Percussionists".
Leon Pantarei may be considered as one of the major representatives of the idea of contamination among different musical styles and languages. Tireless inventor of languages of synthesis, he is able to produce a great expressiveness, so that the various techniques of his drumming may converge in the jazz and ethno jazz structures.
Due to the deep Mediterranean roots of his drumming and compositions, the specialized critics tend to define him as a "Pitagoric artist" for the pan-Mediterranean and iterative climax that his rhythms and singing evocate.

Leon Pantarei studied with Nanà Vasconcelos for the Amazon pulses, with Shalil Ustad Al Shankar for the Indo- Pakistani tablas, with the Musicians of Nile for darbouka, tombak, doumbeck Tar and bendìr.

Starting from Miles Davis' modal jazz and going along with his personal and strong aptitude for "canto dato", Leon developed his own style based on a melodic expressiveness (quite rare in a percussionist), full of Mediterranean and Oriental evocations. All that originated an amazing hand percussion set so rich in nuances, timbres and dynamics.

Leon Pantarei is considered one of the major representatives of the stylistic manifesto known as "Imaginary Folklore".


- Ragalentu (CNI/ BMG – 1996)
- Nunn' e' dire nunn'e' fare – ep (CNI – 1997)
- Magaria – ep remix (CNI – 1997)
- Tremalaterra (Il Manifesto – 2002)
- RadioBuddha (LINKHOUSE/ Venus – 2004)

Album: Omparty a Leon Pantarei Project
- L'Isola Della Pomice (Picanto/Egea-2009) Premio Suoni di Confine M.E.I. 2009
- Petra Janca (Picanto/Egea -2011)

Compilations: PANTAREI
- Canti Sudati (CNI- Il Manifesto 1996)
- OLIS vol. 2 (CNI - Olis 1997)
- La notte del dio che balla(Pantarei/DeSio) (CNI - La Repubblica 1999)
- Fango (CNI - Lega Ambiente 1999)
- AA.VV. Italian Etno Compilation (CNI – IED 2004)

- with Pino Daniele "Mascalzone Latino" (EMI 1989)
- with Mariella Nava "Cosi' e' la vita" (Baraonda - RTI 1999)
- with Mariella Nava "Come mi vuoi" (Baraonda - BMG 1999)
- with Lutte Berg E. " Mountain's breath" (RTI-DMI- WMI 1992)
- with Lutte Berg/ Salis/Mcandless " Santa Sofia" (Freeland- CGD 1994)

Tour / Special Guest (Pop):
Pino Daniele /Teresa De Sio/ Mango/ Orixas/ Mariella Nava
Tour / Special Guest (jazz):
A.Salis/ Lutte Berg Ensemble/ Luca Aquino/ Hakon Kornstad / Omparty/ Liza Werkerk

Mobile: 333-4586154
Email: leon.pantarei@email.it
acebook: http://www.facebook.com/leon.pantarei
Myspace: http://it.myspace.com/leonpantarei
Website: http://omparty.tumblr.com/

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Last Modified Date: 04/10/2013

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