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Giovanni Colombo

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Born in Treviglio (BG) in 1985, Giovanni started to play the piano at the age of three, taught by his father. He immediately proved to have both ability and perfect pitch which helped in the development of his improvisational skills.

He started to play jazz more or less on a self-taught basis. During the first few years he learnt above all the classical standard jazz pieces, listening to records and reworking them in his own style on the piano.

Since 1994 he has studied with the Accademia musicale di Treviglio. He then commenced, in parallel to his jazz career, his classical piano studies, sitting for the pianoforte exams at the music Conservatory.

In the meantime he continues to perform both in public and on local television.

Through his connections with the Accademia di Treviglio he has appeared as a soloist in concert at the "Filodrammatici" Theatre and the Civic Centre in Treviglio.
He took part in the musical masterclass organised by the Scuola diocesana di Musica di Brescia, in July 2004 and 2005 under the auspices of M° Carlo Balzaretti, performing concerts on the Steinway full grand piano which originally belonged to Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. Following the conclusion of the masterclass, in October 2004 he played again at Altdorf, Switzerland.

In May 2005 he again performed at Altdorf in a solo concert with extemporary jazz improvisations on classical themes. He continues with his concert work and performs in public venues and jazz clubs both as a soloist and in jazz bands ranging from trios to big bands.

Since 2004 he has attended the "L. Marenzio" music conservatory of Brescia, enrolled on a Three year experimental University jazz course taught by names such as Roberto Cipelli, Corrado Guarino and Sandro Gibellini.

He has also extended his talents further afield, and since 2003 has taught piano at the Accademia musicale di Treviglio.

Translation by Judith F. Paine

Audio File:
Billie's Bounce
recorded on 30th September 2005 at Palazzo Clerici in Milan, in quartet:
Giovanni Colombo (piano), Matteo Lorito (double bass), Alessio Pacifico (drums), Valentino Finoli (

Contacts and Information:
Giovanni Colombo
email: info@giovannicolombo.com
web: http://www.giovannicolombo.com

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Last Modified Date: 25/06/2006

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