Giorgio Serci
in Sardinia, an Italian island, which has been influenced by a variety of
cultures as it is in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea. African, Arabic, Greek,
Spanish, Roman to name but a few.
Similarly, Giorgio's musical palette has been influenced and enriched by
music from all over the world. After travelling, studying and performing in
different parts of the globe he has now settled in London establishing himself
as guitarist, composer and teacher.
He has studied Jazz with John Scofield, John Surman and
Tony Oxley with whom he performed at the "Teatro Dante Alighieri" in
Ravenna Italy, with Roger Cowkwell and Luise Gibbs at
Goldsmiths College, where he graduated gaining a diploma in Jazz and Popular
Music (with special commend) and Music Teaching to Adults.
He studied, in London, composition and arranging for Jazz Orchestra with
the Composer Mark Bassey; in Sardinia, Classical guitar with Marco
Meloni a renowned teacher and performer specialised in Early Classical Music
and Professor at the "Nuoro Conservatoire" Italy. Giorgio has studied
Arabic music in London as well as in Tunisia, Jordan playing for The Royal
Family and in Israel (Eilat, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv). He joined force with Lebanese
percussionist Rony Barrak, mixing Arabic's rhythms and scales with Jazz,
Brazilian and Flamenco music performing at the Purcell Room, St.George Bristol,
Royal Albert Hall, Bull's Head Barnes... Also supported Shirley Bassey at
the Royal Festival Hall, with the Band Vibration.
He researched in the Japanese musical scenario and performed with
Japanese musicians such as Shima Kobayashi (Chromatic Harmonica) and
Ryuko Mizutani (Koto) at the Queen's Mary Hall, at the Anglo Japanese Centre
and at the BMIC in London composing a Suite and arranging with Kobayashi
Traditional Japanese music.
January and in October
2000, he performed and
recorded a CD in New York with U.S. top Jazz musicians such as Bass player
Harwie Swartz (M.Stern, J.Scofield, P.Martino), Saxophonist Virginia
Mayhew, Drummer Allison Miller, Saxophonist Greg Abate (Ray
Charles), Pianist Mark Soskin (M.Brecker, S.Rollins) and guitarist Vic
Juris. He also played with saxophonist Andy Sheppard, bassist
Peter Ind, Chris Rodel, guitarists
Antonio Forcione, Simon
Davies, Eduardo Niebla, Tony Barnard, Branco Stoysin,
Michele Cea, Dominic Grant, drummer Nic France, NYJO
and many more.
He also formed the GSG trio featuring Ivory Coast drummer
George Panda and British double bass player Selwyn Charles,
performing in the main clubs in London and at The Lichfield Jazz Festivals,
Morden Jazz Festival, Islington Festival, Soho Jazz Festival etc.
Giorgio with the Sardinian guitarist Valentino Meloni performed
together for four years, presenting a variety of music: Originals, Ancient
Sardinian, Argentinean Tangos by Astor Piazzolla, Modern Classical and Jazz,
winning different Guitar Awards and gaining recognition especially in Italy and
France by musicians/composer such as Franco Cerri, Ivonne Dufort,
Thierry Rouger, Chelso Machado and Jorge Cardoso.
From 1998
Giorgio has been playing with the
Flamenco guitarist Eduardo Niebla with whom he has toured UK, Scotland,
Ireland, South of England, Spain, Austria, Germany, Russia, Slovenian,
Switzerland giving concerts in famous and established venues and International
Guitar Festivals: Purcell Room, Festival Hall, Barbican, Vortex, Bull's Head,
National Theatre...(London) The Orpheus (Graz), La Spirale (Fribourg), Satchmo
Club (Slovenia), Keller Theatre (Zurich), Altes Kino (Oberndorf), The Moods (Zurich),
Tblisi Jazz Festival in Georgia, Cardiff Jazz Festival and The Proms, Belfast
Guitar Festival, Fish Quay Jazz Festival, to name but a few. Also broadcasting
on BBC Radio in London, Belfast and Inverness, in Spanish Television, Georgian
TV and Radio. From this collaboration the CD by E.Niebla "The
Gift". He has also
performed in the Virgin Islands, Caribbean, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
France, Australia, and New Zealand.
he founded the six piece band
Big Sunflower, and won the International Jazz AWARD Sant' Anna Arresi
in Italy being selected over 100
European bands. This band has produced a CD which will be available soon.
He has also recorded a CD of his original compositions, with a very thin
boundary between Classical, Jazz, and World Music named "Acquerello".
Featuring himself on Classical Guitar, Alto Sax player Roberto Manzin,
Keyboardist Bob Stuckey.
In London, Giorgio joined force with the fine Classical Guitarist and
teacher at the Spanish Guitar Centre Simon Davies, forming the
SERCI-DAVIES guitar duo.
This Duo performs on two classical guitars original compositions, which
have a thin boundary between jazz, modern classical and world music. They
performed in London at the BMIC, St. James Church in Piccadilly, St. Magnum
Church and other established venues and festivals. They have just released the
CD "Lo Scenario".
In 2001
begins the collaboration
with the guitarist Antonio Forcione
with whom has performed at Edinburgh Festival, Ronnie Scotts London, Holywell
Room Oxford, City of Birmingham Symphony Hall to name but a few. Together with
cellist Jenny Adejayan, they have been selling out many venues in the UK,
including Ronnie Scotts, Assembly Rooms Edinburgh, Vortex Jazz Club.
Giorgio has been actively doing guitar master classes as well as teaching
guitar at: "La Nuova Accademia" Cagliari (Italy), at "Goldsmiths
College" London and at the "Academy of Contemporary Music", Guilford.
Giorgio Serci's techniques, sound and versatility are making of him a
very requested musician.
Scenario 2000
Giorgio Serci and Simon
Giorgio Serci
"In my opinion Giorgio Serci is not only the best acoustic guitarist in
London right now but also one of the most inventive musicians on the circuit.
His compositions have a rare depth and sometimes almost painful beauty. Live he
is astounding but it is on record that he truely shines recording in New York
with greats like American bass player Harvie Swarts or here with top classical
guitarist Simon Davies he is equally at home. He is the musician to watch this
Jonny Phillips -
Director of Jazz Umbrella and programmer for the Crypt,
Camberwell. (London 29th April
"Giorgio Serci, for your information, is no mere sidekick. He seems more
trained than Antonio, formally speaking, and he is without doubt a maestro
guitarist. This point is illustrated no better than when he and Antonio tackled
the great 'Frevro Rasgado' from the McLaughlin/Di Meola/de Lucia masterpiece 'Friday
Night in San Francisco'. This was, for me, the highlight of the evening. To see
these two tackling such a piece with so great a bravado was brilliant;
technically they were spot on, the interchanges between them were seamless, the
picking and fingering flawless. I noticed, at the end, in the lengthy ovation
they received, that my hands were starting to get sore."
From a review on GPF UK on the concert with Antonio Forcione and
Jenny Adejayan at Holywell Music Rooms, Oxford Sept. 8th
Locker, rockig, flott - Eduardo Niebla- Giorgio Serci Guitar Duo im
Wachenheimer Badehaisel
Gitarrenkunst der Sonderklasse wurde am Samstag abend vom Eduardo
Niebla-Giorgio Serci Guitar Duo im Badehaisel in Wachenheim dargeboten. Der
gebürtige Nordandalusier Eduardo A. Niebla und der aus Sardinien stammende
Giorgio Serci präsentierten einen Kunstgenuß vor über 100 Zuschauern im
ausverkauften Badehaisel.
Eduardo A. Niebla und Giorgio Serci spielen nun live seit fast zwei Jahren
zusammen. Niebla begann als Fünfjähriger mit dem Akkordeon. Mit acht wechselte
er zum Gitarrenspiel und hat dieses bis zur Perfektion ausgebaut.
Giorgio Sercis großes Talent blitzte hier auf, als er im Mittelteil ein kurzes
Solo spielte. Ansonsten bestach er durch sein äußerst exaktes Rhythmusgefühl und
spielte seine Parts mit unzähligen schweren Barregriffen.
Ebenfalls hochkonzentriert, am Anfang etwas angespannt, dann aber fast ebenso
emotional bestritt Giorgio Serci seine hervorragende Rhythmusarbeit.
Wer die LP "Friday night in San Francisco" kennt, bei der sich die drei
Gitarrengötter Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucia und John McLaughlin in den Olymp der
Gitarristen spielten, kam beim folgenden Stück voll auf seine Kosten. Niebla und
Serci widmeten das folgende Stück einem Freund Nieblas. Ein sehr getragenes,
trauriges, sehr einfühlsam in Moll vorgetragenes Stück. Eduardo Niebla ließ es,
so hatte es den Anschein, im Mittelteil wahrhaftig regnen und beendete es mit
einer sehr leisen, nachdenklich stimmenden Schlußpassage.
Classical Guitar: Rheinpfalz-online /
"The GSG trio sounds as if there are four player thanks to the ingenuity and
catchy stylistic range of their stunning virtuoso Guitarist".
Jazz Umbrella
For contacs and information:
Giorgio Serci
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Last Modified Date: 31/12/2002