Jazzitalia - Artisti: Gennaro Barba
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Gennaro Barba

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Gennaro Barba plays drums in some italian groups.

He has performed at some TV shows with his group Walhalla:
· Festival di Sanremo 1987: he won the rassegna Sanremo Rock
· Festivalbar 1987
· Disco Inverno 1988
· Discoring
· Domenica In
· Festival di Sanremo Rock 1988
· Disco per l'estate

TV shows with Tony Esposito:
· Canzoniere dell'estate Rai 1
· Premio regia televisiva Rai 2
· Telethon Rai 1
· Premio regia televisiva Oscar TV

With Beppe Vessicchio Orchestra and singer Gigi Finizio: Live 2003 Trianon Teather in Naples

He plays live with the jazz band Tramway in many italian cities (they took part in Vesuwave some years ago).

He has performed in many TV shows with his group Osanna; in 1999 he performed at Neapolis Rock Festival where were also Jethro Tull e PFM; in 2001 he recorded the CD Taka Boom and in 2003 the CD+DVD live Uomini e miti; in 2002 performed at Rock in progress festival at the same Goblin and PFM's evening performance; in 2003, 2006 and 2007 performed at Afrakà festival, at the same stage at which Carl Palmer from E.L.&Palmer performed (2006); furthermore, in 2006 the compilation Rock in came out with the song Ce vulesse ce vulesse (the name of the compilation comes from the name of the festival at which he performed).

In 2004 played his part as musician in the Pupi Avati movie: "Ma quando arrivano le ragazze?"

In April 2007 were born "The Blues Stealers" blues band formed with Massimo Italiano, Guido Migliaro, Rino Avitabile, Mario Insenga. At the club Up Stroke in Naples was recorded a cd live recently.

He writes the page "L'altra faccia della batteria" on the magazine Wonderous Stories.

In 2006 he signed Gennaro Barba signature sticks for IDEAS FOR DRUMMERS.

Endorser UFIP e LA CICALA at workshops.

Contacts and Information:
Gennaro Barba
email: info@gennarobarba.com
web: www.gennarobarba.com

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Last Modified Date: 08/04/2009

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