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Francesco Diodati

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photo by Paola FavoinoFrancesco Diodati is a modern guitar player whose inspiration is steeped in traditional jazz, contemporary, rock and folk music. He has developed his personal language by combining a spontaneous melodic approach with a clever use of electronics and effects.

Born in 1983 and raised in Rome (Italy), Francesco was twelve years old when he started playing guitar, quickly demonstrating a precocious talent and a natural disposition to creativity and improvisation. He was first trained by Roberto Spadoni and then attended Siena Jazz summer seminars in 2001 and 2002. He also attended the In.Ja.M. master by Siena Jazz between 2008 and 2010, with lessons by Kurt Rosenwinkel, John Abercrombie, Hein Van De Geyn, Jeff Ballard, Drew Gress, Seamus Blake, Roberto Cecchetto and many others. He was also selected among the master best students to partecipate to the Panama Jazz Festival in 2010 and to play in a series of concerts in the USA, in an exchange program between Berklee Global Jazz Institute of Boston and Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris. In 2009 he receives one of the highest scholarship ever to be given to a guitarist to attend prestigious New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York, where he meets Reggie Workman, Ben Allison, Peter Bernstein, Rachel Z, Rory Stuart and many others.

Francesco is quartet Neko's band leader, including Francesco Bigoni, Francesco Ponticelli and Ermanno Baron, that has debuted in 2008 and since then is touring worldwide. The group has released two albums, Purple Bra (2010), and Need Something Strong (2012), both published by Auand Records, amongst the most important European labels for contemporary jazz.

Francesco participates to Auand meets NYC festival in New York in november 2011, as a new artist exponent of the label. In May 2011, he was invited to participate with this project to the international 12 Points! festival in Dublin as a leading exponent of the new European contemporary jazz scene. Recent and noteworthy partnerships include those with Bobby Previte (Plutino Trio), Jim Black (Special Project 2011), Shane Endsley, Roberta Gambarini, Fabrizio Bosso, Avishai Cohen, Portuguese singer Sofia Ribeiro, Enrico Rava, Ada Montellanico and the French drummer Anne Paceo (Myanmar Meets Europe 2011). His next album as a band leader, with Neko, will be published by autumn 2012 (Auand Records).

Quotes about Francesco Diodati
"Among the most exciting performances, for sure (...) Francesco Diodati Neko's, in which the leader stands out, thanks to his writing and elegant ideas" - Enzo Capua, Musica Jazz, New York 2011

"One of the most passionate and interesting soloists of the current scene, although i was unaware of his gifts as composer and leader, which literally explode in Neko's album Need Something Strong (Au9028)" - Enrico Rava, 2012

"The history of jazz has always favored the partnership of strong personalities, especially those of guitar and tenor saxophone collaborations. Memorable pairings have included: Jim Hall and Sonny Rollins, Bill Frisell and Joe Lovano, and Kurt Rosenwinkel and Mark Turner. Add to that list two Italian artists, guitarist Francesco Diodati and saxophonist Francesco Bigoni" Mark Corroto for Allaboutjazz.com, Feb 2010

As Leader
Francesco Diodati Neko - Need Something Strong (Auand 2012)
AA.VV. - Raccolta Differenziata w Francesco Diodati Neko (Musica Jazz 2011)
Francesco Diodati Neko - Purple Bra (Auand 2010)
AA.VV. w Francesco Diodati Quintet - Porsche Giovani Live and Jazz (Musica Jazz 2006)

As Sideman
Bobby Previte Plutino - Plutino ( Space Bone 2012)
Alessandro Paternesi P.O.V. Quintet - Dedicato (Radar 2012
Ada Montellanico ensemble feat Giovanni Falzone - Suono di Donna (Incipit 2012)
Marcello Allulli Trio (M.A.T.) con Fabrizio Bosso - Hermanos (Zone Di musica 2011)
Enrico Intra - Piani Diversi (Alfa Music 2011)
Francesco Giannelli - Occhi (Alfa Music 2011)
Danielle Di Majo Quintet - Eccedere Di blu (Picanto 2010)
Andrea Ambrosi - Undercover (Radar 2010)
Piero Delle Monache - Welcome (AT 2010)
Antonello Sorrentino - Blog (Wide 2009)
A24 - A24 (Wide 2007)

Contacts and Information:
Francesco Diodati
email: f_diodati(at)yahoo.it
web: www.francescodiodati.com
myspace: www.myspace.com/francescodiodati

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Last Modified Date: 08/08/2012

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