Jazzitalia - Artists: Fabio Bottazzo
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Fabio Bottazzo

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The rhythmical richness and melodic communicative distinguish his performances. A very interesting artist on the jazz scene today, guitarist and composer Fabio Bottazzo is stealing attention as an artist of elegant musicality, taste and intelligence. The phrasing reflects Bottazzo's various influences from Jim Hall to Joe Pass but still personal and continually evolving. He has recorded rock, alternative and jazz-oriented albums as a sideman. His first debut album recorded in 2007 under his own name, with Japanese bassist Satoshi Azuma, is called "Beginning Blues". He has performed in Italy and Japan, also appearing in some japanese jazz festivals such as "Jozenji Street Jazz Festival" in Sendai and "Niigata Jazz Street".

Coming from a family of non-musician, Fabio Bottazzo was born in the town of Padova, Italia in 1971. He took up the guitar at age 16, studying as self-taught and immediately influenced by the late 80's rock music.Bottazzo studied jazz guitar and harmony with Prof. Italo De Angelis from 1993 to 1996. At this time he was intensely studying, recording and performing many genres. Then he attended the Summer School Classes by the "Berklee College of Music" during the "Umbria jazz" event in 1996. In 2002 he graduated at "UM" school of music in Rome after three years of studies and he improved his skills with Prof. Fabio Zeppetella. He also attended many clinics: Pat Metheny, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Scott Henderson, Michael Manring and others. He has studied also with Charlie Banacos for a brief period.

Bottazzo is a pleasant jazz improviser and composer whose music can be placed somewhere between post-bop, acoustic and modern jazz.Fabio Bottazzo lives in Japan since 2004.

He continues to dig his extremely elegant voice while performing both as a leader and sideman.

His new album "It's no Coincidence", with Japanese bassist Yasuhito Mori (b) and dutch drummer Sebastiaan Kaptein (d, perc), contains almost original compositions.

Contacts and Information:
Fabio Bottazzo
email: booking(at)fabiobottazzo.com
web: www.fabiobottazzo.com

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Last Modified Date: 08/06/2010

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