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Dino Betti van der Noot
composition, bandleader

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Dino Betti van der Noot won the Musica Jazz Polillo Award (Italian Album of The Year, 1987) with They Cannot Know, which won the Musica e Dischi Critics Poll too, was rated second Best Album of The Year by USA Today and, some years later (1989), was the Musica e Dischi critics choice as Best Italian Album of The Decade.

In the same year (1989), Space Blossoms won the Musica e Dischi Critics Poll, while in the Musica Jazz one it resulted the second best – with just one vote less than the winning Giorgio Gaslini's album.

Another album, Here Comes Springtime, has been rated by USA Today as third Best of The Year (1986).

The large majority of Italian critics have written in a most positive way about his music. The same happened with American (James Brown, Croan, Gitler, Hentoff, Ilwood, Jeske, Lange, Palmer, Pareles, Porter, Tesser, Watrous) and French critics (Berger, Bourdin).

Basement Big Band, 1977, Edizioni dell'Isola EIJ 2023.
Solisti: Luciano Biasutti, Mike Burke, Luigi Tisserant, Rudy Meledandri, Rino Lagona, Carlo Brioschi, Pino Sacchetti, Sergio Sondrio, Renzo Imporati, Leonardo Vasco, Enrico Arrighini.

A Midwinter Night's Dream, 1983, Five FM 13511.
Solisti: Luciano Biasutti, Demo Morselli, Mike Burke, Franco Corvini, Emilio Soana, Rudy Meledandri, Rudi Migliardi, Gianni Bedori, Gianluigi Trovesi, Hugo Heredia, Gianni Farè, Bruno de Filippi, Santino Palumbo, Julius Farmer, Franco Testa, Gianni Cazzola, Maurizio Preti, Giulia Fasolino.

Here Comes Springtime, 1985, Soul Note (1986) SN 1149.
Solisti: Franco Ambrosetti, Rudy Brass, Luca Bonvini, Donald Harrison, Gianluigi Trovesi, Hugo Heredia, Mitchel Forman, Bob Cunningham.

They Cannot Know, 1986, Soul Note (1987) SN 1199.
Solisti: Rudy Brass, Sergio Fanni, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Bill Evans, Gianluigi Trovesi, Hugo Heredia, Riccardo Luppi, Marco Visconti, Peppino De Mico, Mitchel Foman, Gianni Farè, Attilio Zanchi, Danny Gottlieb, Luis Agudo, Carmen Lundy.

A Chance for A Dance, 1987-88, Innowo (1988) IN 800.
Solisti: Rudy Brass, Bill Evans, Gianluigi Trovesi, Hugo Heredia, Mitchel Forman, David Friedman, Attilio Zanchi, Danny Gottlieb, Luis Agudo, Tiziano Tononi, Carmen Lundy.

Space Blossoms, 1988-89, Innowo (1989).
Solisti: Rudy Brass, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Donald Harrison, Gianluigi Trovesi, Hugo Heredia, Sandro Cerino, Paul Bley, Vittorio Cosma, Steve Swallow, Paul Motian, Luis Agudo, Jonathan Scully, Roberta Gambarini.

Ithaca/Ithaki, 2003, Soul Note (2005) 121399-2.
Solisti: Giancarlo Schiaffini, Gianluigi Trovesi, Sandro Cerino, John Taylor, Marco Ricci, Vincenzo Zitello, Andrea Dulbecco, Ares Tavolazzi, Famoudou Don Moye, Jonathan Scully, Tiziano Tononi, Luis Agudo, Joyce Yuille, Paola Folli.

The Humming Cloud, 2006, SAM Production (2007) 9008
Solisti: Beppe Caruso, Sandro Cerino, Daniele Cavallanti, Maria Teresa Battistessa, Elio Marchesini, Marco Ricci, Fabrizio Puglisi, Sergio Taglioni, Vincenzo Zitello, Gianluca Alberti, Tiziano Tononi, Ginger Brew, Simona Bondanza.

God Save the Earth, 2009, Sam Production (2009) 9026
Solisti: Alberto Mandarini, Beppe Caruso, Sandro Cerino, Giulio Visibelli, Gilberto Tarocco, Elio Marchesini, Marco Ricci, Alberto Tacchini, Matteo Corda, Vincenzo Zitello, Gianluca Alberti, Francesco D'Auria, Tiziano Tononi, Ginger Brew.

Contacts and Information
Dino Betti van der Noot
email: dino.bettivdn@bcommunications.it
web: www.dinobettivandernoot.com

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