Jazzitalia - Artisti: Claudio Fasoli
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Claudio Fasoli

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Claudio Fasoli is a saxophone player, composer and teacher; he also contributes articles and reviews to music magazines.

Born in Venice, he now lives in Milan, Italy. After a long apprenticeship and many sessions with various prominent musicians, he achieved popularity in the '70s playing with PERIGEO QUINTET, among whose other artists were Franco D'Andrea and Giovanni Tommaso. This group performed throughout Europe and also overseas, and with it Fasoli gained considerable experience both as soloist and composer. When the group disbanded in 1978, he became leader of his own groups, putting together mostly trios or quartets. Some of the great names of the european and international jazz scene have played in these groups. For example: Henri Texier, Lee Konitz, Jean-François Jenny Clark, Aldo Romano, Ken Wheeler, Manfred Schoof, Dave Holland, Palle Danielsson, Bobo Stenson, Tony Oxley, Bill Elgart, Mick Goodrick etc. He introduced his own compositions in concerts and festivals around the world, creating also a remarkable discography. In addition to his native Italy, he has performed in France, Switzerland, Jugoslavia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, England, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Cuba and the United States.

He played in the first performances of the "Grande Orchestra Nazionale" in Italy and in the Lydian Sound Orchestra. He has also participated with and conducted the European Music Orchestra in live and studio performances and has played with the Manfred Schoof International Band.

Fasoli adapts well to various musical settings but has developed his own solo style and a recognizable, always-developing, compositional approach. Acclaimed even abroad, he continues to work with the best italian and foreign musicians.

Since the Siena International Jazz Clinics was founded in 1978, Fasoli has been responsible for the classes in Tenor and Soprano Saxophone and the master classes in improvisation. He founded the Saxophone Courses at the city of Milan's Civic School of Jazz and has taught Jazz at National Conservatories. He conducts Clinics throughout Italy and abroad. He was Artistic Director of Padua Jazz Festival (2003-2010).

His name appears in Music and Jazz Dictionnaries in Italy and abroad.

(further info on Feather / Gitler "Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz", or wwwclaudiofasoli.com)

Claudio FASOLI - Very Selected Discography

"ESKIMO FAKIRO" Trio & Quartet with F. D'Andrea B.Biriaco and G.Azzolini Curci Rec. (1978)
"JAZZ DUO" Duo with Franco D'Andrea (Critics Award) Dire Rec. (1978)
"HINTERLAND" Sextet with E.Pieranunzi, R.Gatto, B.Tommaso. Edipan Rec.(1980)
"THE MEETING" Quintet with P.La Barbera Dire Rec. (1981)
"CLOUDY" Quartet live with L.Bonafede Fonit-Cetra (1982)
"LIDO" Quartet with K.Drew, B.Altschul, NHOPedersen Soul Note (1983)
"INPUT" Quartet and Quintet with A.Faraò Bull Rec. (1984)
"WELCOME" Quartet with K.Wheeler, D.Humair, JF JennyClark Soul Note (1987)
"FOR ONCE" Quintet with H.Kramer, M.Vaggi, P.Leveratto, G.Cazzola Splasc(h)Rec. (1987)
"EGOTRIP" solo performance Splasc(h) Rec. (1988)
"BODIES" Quartet w.M.Goodrick, P.Danielsson, T.Oxley Nueva Rec. (1990)
"LAND" Trio with K.Wheeler, JF Jenny Clark Nueva Rec. (1990)
"CITIES " Quartet w. M.Goodrick, P.DallaPorta, B.Elgart Ram Rec. (1993)
"GUEST" Fasoli conducts the "European Music Orch." Guests K.Wheeler & A.Romano Soul Note (1994)
"TROIS TRIOS" Three trios with H.Texier, A.Romano, J.Clayton, M.Goodrick Splasc(h) Rec. (1993-94)
"MIRROR" Trio with S.Battaglia, J.Clayton Ram Rec. (1994)
"TEN TRIBUTES" Quintet with K.Wheeler, M.Goodrick, B.Elgart, H.Texier Ram Rec. (1995)
"ICON" Trio with E.Rava, F.D'Andrea Flex Rec. (1996)
"ESTEEM" "Experience" with M.Gassmann, P.DallaPorta, G.Bertoncini Flex Rec. (1998).
"RÉSUMÉ " Duo w.P.Birro, "Experience" w. M.Gassmann, P.Dalla Porta, G.Bertoncini, Nonet w. R.Bonati, M.Negri, A.Tacchini, R.Migliardi, M.Castagna, G.Distefano, arr.&cond. R.Brazzale ("Musica Jazz", July 2000) Rusconi (2000)
"GAMMATRIO" "C.Fasoli Gammatrio" w. Rudy Migliardi & Paolo Birro MAP (2002)
"STILLA" "C.Fasoli Gammatrio" w.Rudy Migliardi & Paolo Birro Soul Note (2003)
"AZURKA" Lydian Sound Orch. cond.R.Brazzale & Claudio Fasoli Abeat Rec.(2003)
"EPISOD" "C.Fasoli Gammatrio" w.Rudy Migliardi & Paolo Birro Velut Luna (2005)
"ADAGIO" C.Fasoli Trio, w.Paolo Birro & Marco Micheli AlmaRecords (2006)
"INFANT EYES" Lee Konitz meets Claudio Fasoli w.P.Birro, A.Tavolazzi, S.Bagnoli ("The Music of Wayne Shorter") Philology (2007)
"PROMENADE" "C.Fasoli Emerald Quartet"w.M.Zara, Y.Goloubev, M.Zanoli Comar 23 (2007)
"VENICE INSIDE" "C.Fasoli Emerald Quartet"w.M.Zara, Y.Goloubev, M.Zanoli BlueSerge (2009)

"REFLECTIONS" "C.Fasoli Emerald Quartet"w. M.Zara, Y.Goloubev, M.Zanoli BlueSerge (2010)
"AVENIR" "C.Fasoli FOUR" (M.Calgaro, L.Calgaro, G.Bertoncini) Caligola (2011)

"LIVE SUITE" G.Manusardi Quartet MPS BASF (1971)
"AZIMUT" Perigeo Quintet RCA (1973)
"ABBIAMO TUTTI....." Perigeo Quintet RCA (1974)
"LA VALLE DEI TEMPLI" Perigeo Quintet RCA (1975)
"GENEALOGIA" Perigeo Quintet RCA (1976)
"NON E' POI COSI'.... Perigeo Quintet RCA (1977)
"PERIGEO SPECIAL" Perigeo Quintet RCA (1977)
"ATTRAVERSO IL PERIGEO" Perigeo Quintet RCA ('73-76)
"MULTIPLI" G.Gaslini Quintet Soul Note (1990)
"MASKS" G.Gaslini Quintet Soul Note (1991)
"FROM SOUTH TO NORTH" G.Emmanuele Orchestra:guests P.Fresu, E.Rava, C.Fasoli, P.Tonolo Avarts (1992)
"MELODIOUS THUNK" Lydian Sound Orchestra, conductor R.Brazzale Totem Rec. (1993)
"LIVE IN MONTREUX Perigeo Quintet BMG (1993)
"LIVE " Grande Orch.Naz. cond. G.Gaslini Soul Note (2000)
"L' ESSENZA " F.Faraò / C.Fasoli w.L.Bonafede, R.Cecchetto, A Tacchini Splasc(h) (2000)

"JAZZ IN ITALIA" vol.2 Fabbri Ed.
"JAZZ JAMBOREE 1978" (Warsaw, Poland) Polskie Nagrania
"TOP JAZZ FROM ITALY" (Germany 1990) YVP Rec.
"ITALIAN JAZZ GRAFFITI" (Italia 2001) Soul Note

"Wines DOCG & Jazz" (Italia 2003) 27 new compositions dedicated to 27 most important Italian wines (Enoteca Italiana –Siena Jazz)


Claudio Fasoli tenor & soprano sax
Michele Calgaro el.guitar
Lorenzo Calgaro bass
Gianni Bertoncini drums ,electronics

This is the last Fasoli’s group. It must be stressed electric guitar and electronics are two reliable reasons to listen to the sound of this quartet far from Fasoli’s previous musical goals sound wise.
We were used to hear an acoustic quartet and now we find a quartet
With electronic supports to get rich and colorful atmosphere. Music is mostly written by the members of the quartet and tries to reach personal and characterized definition.

Claudio Fasoli tenor & soprano sax
Luca Garlaschelli double bass

A wide experience of creative engagement , founded on their own and others’ compositions. Every tone is chosen and blown as definitely needed. A very good balance between the two complementary instruments.

Claudio Fasoli tenor & soprano sax
Bobo Stenson piano

Mats Holtne Trio invited and played with Claudio Fasoli in MALMÖ at Kopa Jazz Festival. Since old friends, they knew how close their points of view on jazz were so they enjoyed a lot the opportunity to play together.
Again. their music is a good example of how to be free inside of forms.

Claudio Fasoli tenor & sopranosax
Esa Pietilä tenorsax
Uffe Krokfors bass
Markku Ounaskari drums

The trio of Esa Pietilä invited and performed with Claudio Fasoli in homeland Finland and in Venice, Italy. The contributions of Fasoli’s playing was appreciated a lot . They mostly played out of forms in a smart sequence of improvised tunes, using interplay as the only surprising source of creativity.


Claudio Fasoli tenor & soprano sax
Mats Holtne el.guitar
Matthias Hjörth bass
Peter Nilsson drums

This duo performed in different venues and opportunities in Italy and abroad. This appealing duo plays mostly Fasoli’s compositions as well, and is even open to unpredictable fields of musical expression .

Info – Promotion - Booking:
+39 345 122 92 73
web: www.claudiofasoli.com


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Last Modified Date: 19/06/2012

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