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Claudio Bollini

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Claudio Bollini was born in 1982 in Giulianova (TE). He begins learn drum at the age of 17, with the teacher Livio Rapini, a drummer in Giulianova, where he starts to learn technical and musical rudiments.

He soon moves to Rome to attend the UM (Music University), where he can improve his sound and his way of studing the instrument with the most famous national and international artists.

He attends Technical Courses with Maurizio Boco, Jazz Style with Pietro Iodice, John Arnold and Davide Pettirossi. For 3 years he has learned theory with the teacher Piero Fortezza and Music Labouratory with Emanuele Basentini, Erik Daniel, Franco Vinci, Gianluca Verrengia, Giovanni Di Caprio and many others.

He studies in depth drum with a lot of professionists, like Ezio Zaccagnini and Marcello Surace.

He attends all the seminars, in the UM, made by Roberto Gatto, Maurizio Dei Lazzaretti, and Skip Hadden the Berklee College boss.

With Susanna Suriano he also studies piano, such complementary instrument, and theory notion with Andrea Polinelli.

After being in the UM, he continues studing with Maurizio Boco at the "Fonderia delle Arti", in Rome and learnig also bass with Fabrizio Sciannameo.

He plays drum with some differents musicians in the neighbourhood, and starts some projects with the BaraccaVibrata (Bob Marley cover band). He also takes part to some blues, rock and reggae festivals.

Since 2006 he's the Lytra Group drummer, made up of musicians which have supported a lot of national and international artists.

In 2006 he records the album "Elettro Dub" with Mauro Voconi (bass) and world's famous artists such as Mario Schilirò (Zucchero guitarist), Otmaro Ruiz (jazz-fusion pianist).

He plays and supports the Morgana Blues Band, Baracca Vibrata, Jaxx Trio, Lytra Group, Marcello Sebastiani, Daniel De Donatis and many others.

Since some years he teaches drum in Giulianova.

Reggae, Bob Marley. They've been on the Abruzzi Reggae's background for 5 years; they have a lot of concerts in some pubs, festivals and Feste dell'Unità (in 2005 edition they opened a Skiantos concert!).

Giuliano Clerico: Guitar /Voice
Abramo Riti: Keyboards
Claudio Bollini: Drum
Cristiano Romano: Bass
Angela Di Febo: Chorus

The best jazz standards arranged by great musicians.

Abramo Riti: Piano
Marcello Sebastiani: Double Bass
Claudio Bollini: Drum

Group made up of professionists that perform pop and rock covers, from Stevie Wonder to Coldplay.
New team, under construction!

Foursome of musical innovations, where jazz and funk pieces are rearranged.

Emanuele Blasioli: Piano
Simone Blasioli: Sax
Luigi Blasioli: Bass
Claudio Bollini: Drum

Contacts and Information:
Claudio Bollini
cell. 380/2564865
email: claudio.bollini@gmail.com
web: http://www.claudiobollini.com

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Last Modified Date: 13/08/2006

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