Jazzitalia - Artists: Christian De Cicco
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Christian De Cicco

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Born in Milan in 1978.

1997-1999 Graduates from Musicians Institute GIT in Los Angeles;

2000-2001 Attends the Composition course held by M. Enos Patracchini;

2002-2004 Graduates from Jazz Civic School in Milano;

Jazz theory and harmony, composition and arranging with Carl Schroeder, Dave Pozzi, Enos Patracchini, Fabio Jegher, Marco Vaggi and Marco Visconti Prasca. Private lessons with Scott Henderson, Joe Diorio, Norman Brown, Carl Verheyen, Dave Hill, Jean Mark Belkadi, Daniel Gilbert, Ron Eschete, Keith Wyatt, Ross Bolton, Jeff Richman, Art Renshaw, Sid Jacobs, Paul Gilbert, Franco Cerri, Riccardo Bianchi, Giorgio Cocilovo and Luca Meneghello. Clinics with Mike Stern, Frank Gambale, David Liebman, Kenny Werner, Chad Smith, Robben Ford, Steve Lukather, Marcus Miller, Steve Vai and Brandon Fields.

Professional Experiences:
My professional experiences begin in 1995; I've played gigs in Italy, Switzerland, United States and England. I took part to the following events: Southern California's Best of the Best 1999, Nordest Jazz festival 2002, Break in Jazz 2003, Festa della Musica 2003 in Milan, Festival Internazionale Voceversa 2004 Vigevano (PV), Arezzo Wave 2004, Break in Jazz 2004, Sanremo Rock 2005, Rassegna 2005 GP Formula 1 Monza, Brianza Open Jazz Festival Spring 2006, Rassegna Jazz & soda 2007 Monza, Rassegna 2007 GP Formula 1 Monza, Brianza Open Jazz Festival Spring 2007. Ampia Tour 2007 with Ivan Segreto, Rassegna Summertime 2007 Casa del Jazz Rome, Traffic Torino Free Festival 2007, Rassegna Autori 2007 Polignano (BA), B-Side Live (Radio Deejay), Rockfiles Live (Lifegate Radio), Time in Jazz Festival 2007 Berchidda (SS), Rassegna Canzone D'Autore 2007 Taranto, Festival Napoli Jazz Winter 2008. Several experiences as recording musician in Milan, London and Los Angeles.

2003 Dejafunk - Funkystar (Indie);
2004 Ivan Segreto - Porta Vagnu (Sony Music);
2004 Dejafunk - MI Cd Vol.5 (MI Records);
2006 Sarasol - Siedo distratta (Indie);
2007 Ivan Segreto - Ampia (Sony/BMG);

teach since 1999. I've worked for several music schools in Milan; currently I teach at Accademia Musicale Groovemaster in Monza.

Contacts and Information:
Christian De Cicco
Email: christian.dc@tiscali.it
web: http://www.myspace.com/christiandecicco

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Last Modified Date: 26/01/2008

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