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Andrea Carpena

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Guitarist and geologist too (… how hard it is often to manage the two things together !!!).

Here is my tough path to music: I started playing guitar in La Spezia at the age of 7 - convinced by Mum spankings - under the guide of master Tony Parisi (famous national jazz guitarist). At the age of 11 I experimented the first rudiments of guitar with the accompanying of my cousin Francesco on drums in our grandfathers' country house garage. From the age of 14 to 18,I played in different rock-blues bands (E.Clapton, S.R.Vaughan, ZZTop, Almann Brothers Band, J.Mayall ecc.). At the age of 19 I started (at the same time of my master degree in Geology) to attend to the course of jazz guitar and functional harmony held by master Filippo Daccò) who inspired me and made me willing to get inside the fantastic world of jazz guitar.

I was founder of the New Gem (subsequently called the Contro Fase) and I played with Lorenzo Poli (electrical bass), Marco Orsi (drums), Alessandro Bertozzi (sax) and Betty Quartieri (voice). With the New Gem I won a local jazz/rock band contest (in the jury: Cuffari, drummer of Claudio Baglioni and Santoro, guitarist of Renato Zero).

During my professional activity as a geologist (how tough it was !!!), I participated to several musical collaborations in Alessandro Bertozzi recording studio (Berto Studio) where I had the chance to play with important musicians such as Alberto Tafuri (883, Jovanotti, Elio, etc.) and Lorenzo Poli (Vasco Rossi, Ron, Battiato, Ruggeri).

From 1995 to 1998, I refined and improved my musical studies with my master and friend Danilo Minotti (great Italian guitarist and musical arranger). During this period I participated to the recording of Alessandro Bertozzi (sax) albums playing with the and eclectic heavily decorated Hiram Bullock (you'll always be in my heart).

From 2000 I joined the Freatlones, a funky and R&B cover band; with this band I had the chance to play with artists like Aida Cooper, Marina Fiordaliso and Ronnie Jones in the best music resorts of north and center Italy. Lately I played with Andrea Mirò (Ruggeri) for the organization of an "electrical" tournèe that should take place in the next future; I also participated to the recording of last the Alessandro Bertozzi album together with John Patitucci.

con Hiram Bullock
con Hiram Bullock

Per contatti e informazioni:
Andrea Carpena
E mail: andrea.carpena@georeflex.it
myspace: www.myspace.com/202926099

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Last Modified Date: 20/08/2009

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