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Peppe Abbate
composer, theorist, pianist, singer, professor of solfeggio

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Peppe Abbate is born 8 march 1954 to Casavatore (Naples-Italy). Fifth of eight sons of Biagio and Piscopo Annina, it begins to play the pianoforte until from the age of 7 years like self taught.

After to have taken the diploma of scientific maturity attends various years to the University of medicine to Naples, but the love for the music wins on every other thing and it is dedicated totally to the pianoforte.

It studies to the Benevento Conservatory with Master Antonio Esposito (the first Artistic Director of the Festival of Naples).

To 23 years, Peppe Abbate it begins to turn the world playing in the piano-bar and jazz-club of all the world: (from Spain to the United Arab Emirates), acquiring customs and cultures of several people of the earth, enriching more and more its baggage international music-cultural, until arriving in Gabon, where spouse one young avvocat of Libreville: Louise Mengue-Ndong, having three sons: Gerardo, Marcantonio and Annina.

Peppe, before remaining definitively to Libreville, it is exhibited in several musical concert jazz with the largest jazzmans of the Ivory Coast, remaining to Abidjan 12 years.

The Musician comes continuously followed from the newspapers and the televisions of all the Ivory Coast becoming the jazzman of the moment.

He participates like teaching of honor to several organized seminaries on the history of the jazz and receives the diploma to honor by Union of the Cultural Journalists of the Ivory Coast.

Composer, musician and theorist, the Master Abbate speaks six languages correctly: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Neapolitan and African of the Gabon.

It is recognized in Africa like the appreciated author more than many didactic books on classic and jazz music used currently to the Musical Conservatory of Libreville.

Many of composed musics from Peppe Abbate he come still today used like bases of transmitted musical programs in the best radios of the Ivory Coast.

Returned by now from 7 years in Gabon, lives to Libreville with its Italian-African family. Also he succeeds here to express its rich musical talent until becoming Managing Instruction of the National Conservatory of Music and Dance of the Gabon.

Contacts and information:
Prof. Giuseppe Abbate
B.P. 16427 - Libreville - Gabon - (Africa)
Tel. +241 762640 - Cell. +241 254597

Conservatoire National du Gabon
B.P. 8320 - Libreville - Gabon - (Africa)
Tel. +241 733001 - Cell. +241 254597

Teresa Abbate (Acerra - Naples Tel. +39.81.5200774)
Gerardo Abbate (Caivano - Naples Tel. +39.81.8347804)
Peppe Ruotolo (Naples Cell. +39.3290532621)
email: piuarte@iol.it

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Last Modified Date: 23/01/2004

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