Jazzitalia - Artisti: Marcelo Randemarck
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Marcelo Randemarck
electric bass

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Marcelo Randemarck is a brasilian Bass player, composer and musical arranger.

His passion for music began at childhood, listening to his grandfather and uncles play guitrar.

He was born in Natal - city of Rio grande do Norte state in Brazil where began too his professional training at University of Rio Grande do Norte.

His carrer started when he was 15 years old, playng with important musician from his home town like Valéria Oliveira, Galvão Filho, Geraldo Carvalho, Pedro Mendes, Carlos Bem, Sueldo Soares, Terezinha de Jesus, Franklin Novaes, Cida Airam, Cida Lobo etc.

In 1996 he was invited by David Duarte to record his disc called Inside the Dreams, witch brought him to Fortaleza/Ceará for ten years. During this time he played in renowed Ceara's musical scene with musicians like Melquíades, Serrão de Castro, Paulo Façanha, Daniel Alencar, Sadinha, Cainã Cavalcante, Isaac Cândido, Eugênio Leandro, Fátima Santos, Patriolino, Adelson Viana, Manassés de Sousa and others.

Its important to emphasizer his partcipation in shows of two recognized brasilian musicians: Ednardo and Benito di Paula.

In 1999 he went to Italy to participate of the Heineken Jazz Festival.

Impassioned by instrumental brasilian songs, the main characteristic of his songs is the presence of various brasilian musical rithms like: Samba, Forró, Bossa, Choro etc.

With the invaluable influenced of Egberto Gismonti, Hermemto Paschoal, João Bosco and of the greatest bass player of Brasil and of the world: Sizão Machado, Arismar deo Espírito Santo, Nico Assumpção, Jamil Joanes etc.

Presently, he lives in São Paulo and he is divulgating his first solo album of brasilian instrumental songs called: Marcelo Randemarck.

Contacts and Information:
Marcelo Randemarck
phone 55 - 11 - 9496-5652 (Brazil)
email: contato@marcelorandemarck.com
web: http://www.marcelorandemarck.com

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Last Modified Date: 07/11/2006

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