Jazzitalia - Artists: Fabio Delvò
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Fabio Delvò
Saxplayer, Composer, Performer, Educator

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photo by Barbara CaliariFabio Delvo' is an "open mind" musician involved in differents projects based on modern jazz, contemporary conceptions till avantgarde, and sometimes too experimental approach to improvvisation.

He's in the TOP JAZZ list 2012, for the new italians best talent,  according the prestigious review "Musica Jazz".

photo by Stefano Moriphoto by Francesco 'Chicco' CarraraHe was born in Varese, close to Milan, on 31 October 1971. He started classical music studies c/o musical Lyceum of Varese, then he graduated for jazz functional harmony in C.E.M.M of Bussero/Milan and then in several stages with great musicians like Steve Lacy, Joe Zawinul, Gary BurtonJohnny Griffin, Bruce Gertz, Giovanni Tommaso, Claudio Fasoli.

He completed Berklee summer school during Umbria Jazz Festival '95, he was a member of rappresentative combo during harmony Stages of Maestro Giovanni Tommaso in C.E.M.M. Actually he teaches saxophone and jazz immprovvisation in the schools of north Italy.

He collaborated with Accademia of Fine Arts of BRERA - MI,  Accademia of Fine Arts of Lecce, and with Doc. Novelli and Mga Jana Smelikova too.

He has collaborations with many artists:
Claudio Fasoli, John Mc Lellan, Achille Succi, Danilo GalloAlberto Mandarini, Jeff Platz, Giancarlo Tossani Cristiano Calcagnile, Kit DemosJunko Fuijwara, Biagio Coppa, Santino CarcanoMarco Rizzini, Martin Kleibl, Radim Hanousek, Marian FriedlYoko Noda, etc.

It's available his own cd "DNA" and he'll record in Milan on the next January a new project called "RASTPLATZ" with Achille Succi, Danilo Gallo and Marco Rizzini; last June was out the " DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS" recorded during the New York /  Boston tour and produced by SKYCAP records.

He has a collaboration Italy/USA with guitar player Jeff Platz, based on impro music, sometimes they joined pianist Giancarlo Tossani or/and drummer Cristiano Calcagnile

photo by Marco Rizzini

Active Projects
photo by Jana SmelikovaRASTPLATZ
F.Delvo' - compositions/ alto & soprano sax
Achille Succi - bass clarinet/altosax
Danilo Gallo - doublebass
Marco Rizzini - drums

Jeff Platz - guitar
F.Delvò - saxophones
Kit Demos - bass
John Mc Lellan - drums

F.Delvo' - compositions/alto & soprano sax
Biagio Coppa - tenor e soprano sax
Santino Carcano - doublebass
Marco Rizzini - drums

FABIO DELVO' European 4et
-F.Delvo' - compositions/alto & soprano sax
-Radim Hanousek - tenor & soprano sax
-Marian Friedl - double bass
-Martin Kleibl - drums

Delvo' - Platz duet
Jeff Platz - guitar
F.Delvò - saxophones

BIA' JAZZ FESTIVAL '12 - Delvo'/Platz
JAZZINEC International Music Festival 2011 - Trutnov Czech Rep. - Fabio Delvo' European Quartet
photo by Stefano MoriWALTEX JAZZ COMPETITION '10 - Auditorium S.Cecilia, Perugia - Fabio Delvo' group / DNA project
TEATRO FILODRAMMATICI - CREMONA -'09 w/Flightband guest A. Succi
ROCCA BRIVIO JAZZ FESTIVAL ´09 w/Flightband "Shorter e dintorni"
ROCCA BRIVIO JAZZ FESTIVAL ´07 w/Flightband guest Claudio Fasoli
ROCCA BRIVIO JAZZ FESTIVAL ´08 w/Flightband guest Alberto Mandarini
URBINO JAZZ ´95 w/G.Conte trio
TEATRO MORLACCHI ´95 (PG) w/ Berklee College of Music Boston Ensemble
VALSESIA MUSICA ´08 w/Flightband guest Alberto Mandarini
AUDITORIUM MODIGLIANI (PD) ´09 w/Flightband guest Claudio Fasoli e Antonio Rosti
photo by Claudio ChiodiBLUENOTE (MI) ´08 w/ Jasbo 4th
ALCATRAZ (MI) ´08 w/Flightband
TEATRO TROISI (S.Donato-MI)´06 Universo Mingus w/Flightband e M.Massari.
TEATRO"- show: "Ho clonato lo zio Alberto", '09
ACCADEMIA di BELLE ARTI di Lecce "Cinquantennale Istituzione culturale per alta formazione artistica", evento mostra/concerto, project: RASTPLATZ, 2012


Contacts and Information
website: fabiodelvo-.oneminutesite.it
Tel. (+39) 340 1678 235
Tel. (+39) 347 27 14 859

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Last Modified Date: 26/10/2013

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