Sudhalter News
Jazz news
by sudsy

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20/11/2007 06:44:12

A prodigious young pianist from Bari, Italy, Carlo M. Barile, will be playing in the first of two groups, Cristiano Arcelli's Holy Frog trio, at a major concert at Auditorio Santa Cecilia of Perugia, on Wednesday, Nov 21 (The second group is that of pianist Danilo Rea!) Outstanding debut for Barile, only 17 years old...all the more so because Barile, student of famed organist Vito Di Modugno, will be playing the trio jazz concert on pipe organ!!!

Barile has been winning organ competitions for some time now, from First Prize in the December 2004 National Organ Competition at Castellana Grotte (Rocco Rodio European Competition) to the May 2006 National Organ Competition in Viterbo ("Top First Prize"), to December 2006, once again in Castellana. The young talent seems never to lose!

My attention was drawn to Carlo when I heard him playing with a trio at Cucina Stagionale, in Greenwich Village, New York, in August 2007. His casual sit-in turned into a full set of tunes, with his complex, technically high-powered but also feelingful style drawing the attention of audience and
fellow musicians alike. Many dropped jaws could be observed among diners and players, including the group's vocalist, Stephanie Clarke, bassist Whitney Moulton and pianist Rom Ferri! Barile's first U.S. visit drew similar attention everywhere he played, including venues in Boston, Mass.

The Holy Frog Trio, scheduled to perform at 8:45 PM, includes Cristiano Arcelli on alto and soprano sax, Barile on organ, Igor Spallati on bass, and Alessandro Paternesi on drums, playing a mix of standards and originals. The November 21 performance is part of the two-day "Waltex Jazz Competition" (First Edition), for "Emerging Groups", beginning Tuesday, Nov. 20 with a performance by Gabriele Mirabassi Quartet. More info and tickets are € 15,00 and can be obtained at tel. 075 5716259 (9.30-13.00/15.30-19.00). More info at:

Barile's info can be seen on, where one notes that he is also a drummer!!

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" raffinata abilità e il buon gusto di Carol, oltre alla sua esemplare capacita di esprimere il suo profondo feeling per il jazz...per questo che sono convinto che Carol sia uno dei più grintosi sassofonisti attualmente sulla scena." W. Royal Stokes, Growing Up With Jazz, Oxford Univ. Press, 2005 Carol Sudhalter, sax baritono, tenore, alto, e flauto, nata e cresciuta a Boston, si è trasferita a New ...

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