Petra Cvelbar

Petra (born in 1975 in Ljubljana, Slovenia) became interested in photography fairly late, in the final year of grammar school, when her friend was looking for someone to apply with for a photography course. She was fortunate to have been initiated into the world of photography by prematurely departed painter and photographer Dušan Pirih Hup. Together they delved into the basic of photography starting with camera obscura, for many hours locked into the darkroom of KUD France Prešeren or lingering in its vicinity, looking for motifs for various assignments. She had some group exhibitions, displaying the fruits of this explorations.

When a student (Faculty of Social Sciences, Cultural Studies), she pursued photography on the theoretical level, whenever possible integrating it into seminar papers, and even graduating in photography. As one needs to work for a living – and she knew that books did not interest her much – she searched for an occupation where at least some creativity was required. During this time she considerably neglected photography and dedicated herself to studying and exploring graphic design. Currently, she’s holding the post of Art Director of the Slovene edition of Cosmopolitan magazine.

In 2008, her interest in photography was rekindled by invitation to exhibit in Bohinj during the Kanal Festival. Her solo show, presenting photo shots during the previous ten years, was titled My Favorite Guitarists. She has always been drawn to music, either as a listener or photographer. In Bohinj she met also a great slovene photographer Žiga Koritnik. Ever since his workshop (2009) she has been addicted to photography and music, both of which today form an integral part of her life. She finds music a remedy and invigorating boost of energy. The photos she takes during the concerts are her way of sharing the beauties of the world, which is so nice to rediscover and abandon yourself to.

Petras’ Photo Exhibitions:
• 2011: Sweet Addiction – solo exhibition at the Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana
• 2010: An Impressive Collection – a group exhibition at the Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana
• 2008: My favorite guitarists – solo exhibition at the Festival Kanal Bohinj
• 1998: KUD France Prešeren Photo Workshop Annual Exhibition – group exhibition
• 1996: KUD France Prešeren Photo Workshop Annual Exhibition – group exhibition
• 1994: KUD France Prešeren Photo Workshop Annual Exhibition – group exhibition