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Pier Paolo Pozzi

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UMBRIA JAZZ '87 (Italy)
Berlin's 750 years Fondation City Festival 1987 (Germany)
35 éme Festival de Jazz d' ANTIBES JUAN-LES-PINS 1995 (France)

COLMAR '98 (France)
Octobre Musical Carthage '99 (Tunis)
TABARKA 2003 (Tunis)

Tommy Flanagan, Peter Washington, Steve Potts, Joy Garrison, Paula West, Jean-jacques Avenel, Bobby Few, Jimmy Gourley, Michel Graillier, Paolo Fresu, Stefano Di Battista, Flavio Boltro, Antonello Salis, Massimo Urbani, Ares Tavolazzi, Tony Scott, Fabio Zeppetella, Daniel Mille, Olivier Kerourio, Luigi Trussardi, Fawzi Chekili, Jean-loup Longnon, Pierre De Bethmann, Guss Nameth, Denis Leloup, Joe Chindamo, Giovanni Mirabassi.

Pier Paolo Pozzi "Greetings From" A-Records/Challenge 2000
Paolo Fresu trp., Fabio Zeppetella guit., Jean Jacques Avenel bass, Pier Paolo Pozzi drums

Barend Middelhoff Quintet "City Lines" BUZZ/Challenge 2001
Barend Middelhoff sax,Olivier Ker Ourio harmonica, Denis Leloup tromb. Stephane Kerecki bass, P.P.Pozzi drums

Gilda Solve "The best is yet to come" Black & Blue 2001
Gilda Solve vocal, Patrice Galas piano, Marc Fosset guit. Gus Nemeth bass P.P.Pozzi drums

Patrice GALAS "A TIME FOR JAZZ TRIOS" Oreil Productions 2004
Patrice Galas piano, Gus Nemeth bass, Brian Hurley bass, Pierre Y.Sorin bass, Eric Lagace bass, Beau Faw drums, Guy Hayat drums, Jacques Dompierre drums, Pier Paolo Pozzi, drums

Fabio ZEPPETELLA/Jean Jacques AVENEL/Pier Paolo POZZI
Fabio Zeppetella - chitarra
Jean Jaques Avenel - contrabbasso
Pier Paolo Pozzi - batteria

Patrice GALAS Trio
Patrice Galas - piano
Marc-Michel Le Bevillon - contrab.
Pier Paolo Pozzi - batteria

Jimmy Gourley Trio
Jimmy Gourley - chitarra
Dominique Le Merle - contrabbasso
Pier Paolo Pozzi - batteria

Gueorgui Kornazov/Denis Leloup
Hommage a J.J.Johnson
Gueorgui Kornazov - trombone
Denis Leloup - trombone
Stephane Kerecki - contrabbasso
Pier Paolo Pozzi - batteria

Giovanni Mirabassi - piano
Gildas Boclé - contrabbasso
Pier Paolo Pozzi - batteria

Per contatti e informazioni:
Pier Paolo Pozzi
email: pppozzi@jazzit.org
web: www.pierpaolopozzi.com

Per conoscere i prossimi appuntamenti Live di Pier Paolo Pozzi

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Data ultima modifica: 29/01/2005

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